Unable to upload apk to Crashlytics

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-18 07:40:55


I'm trying to automate my app build distribution via Jenkyns and Crashlytics. I configured all as indicated on the documentation but crashlyticsUploadDistributionRelease failed with this error: "Distribution upload failed" and "WARN - Crashlytics halted compilation because it can't distribute the unsigned APK:".

how can I fix it ?


Mike from Fabric and Crashlytics here.

Beta for Android only supports distributing a signed APK, unsigned APKs can't be distributed.

For information on how to sign an Android app, head to Android's documentation here.


Crashlytics not support "Android App Bundle". You can only distrubute "APK" in crashlytics beta.


I was facing this same issue when I was integrating Fastlane with Crashlytics. I wanted to distribute build to testers.

In Fastlane, you can choose whether you want to publish Debug APK or Release APK. Fastlane trying to publish release APK I just changed it to Debug APK in a Fastfile and it worked.

I am sure it might have some settings in Jenkins also that could publish Debug APK. hope this helps.

