
How to return value from a Closure in Swift?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2021-02-17 21:31:44
问题 So I am using fabric plugin/Twitter-kit to use twitter api in my application. I want to get the image URL of profile picture of a celebrity. here is my code below. func getImageURL(celebrity :String) -> String{ var imageURL = "" let client = TWTRAPIClient() let statusesShowEndpoint = userSearch let params = ["q": celebrity, "page" : "1", "count" : "1" ] var clientError : NSError? let request = client.URLRequestWithMethod("GET", URL: statusesShowEndpoint, parameters: params, error:

How to return value from a Closure in Swift?

瘦欲@ 提交于 2021-02-17 21:31:15
问题 So I am using fabric plugin/Twitter-kit to use twitter api in my application. I want to get the image URL of profile picture of a celebrity. here is my code below. func getImageURL(celebrity :String) -> String{ var imageURL = "" let client = TWTRAPIClient() let statusesShowEndpoint = userSearch let params = ["q": celebrity, "page" : "1", "count" : "1" ] var clientError : NSError? let request = client.URLRequestWithMethod("GET", URL: statusesShowEndpoint, parameters: params, error:

How to integrate Crashlytics into an iOS framework project?

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2021-02-08 15:33:47
问题 I am building a new iOS framework and would like to integrate Crashlytics in it. Using Mac tool I clicked on +New App and selected my iOS framework Xcode project. However, in the next screen ("Initialize the SDK") I get the following error: This Xcode project does not have any Mac or iOS targets Well yes - my framework target Bundle OS code is FMWK and not the usual AAPL of an app. My question: has anyone managed to integrate Crashlytics into an iOS framework project? Is it possible

Using custom login button with Twitter Fabric?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-12-27 08:13:07
问题 I have been trying to use a normal button to execute the authentication process with the twitter sdk but it does not seem to work. Anyone have tried anything similar? I have correctly setup the API keys, etc.. The login process execute correctly but the callback part seems not to be called. None of my logs are executed (Neither the success or failure part) The code buttonTwitterLogin.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { Twitter.logIn

How to effectively group non fatal exceptions in Crashlytics (Fabrics)?

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-03-14 07:43:02
问题 We are using Crashlytics in our app as the crash reporting tool. For Android native crashes, it's working fine and grouping the crashes correctly. Our app also has few components in react-native. For the crashes which occur in these components, we catch them and then log them to Crashlytics as non-fatal exceptions. public class PlatformNativeModuleCallExceptionhandler implements NativeModuleCallExceptionHandler { @Override public void handleException(Exception e) { try { . . . Crashlytics

How to effectively group non fatal exceptions in Crashlytics (Fabrics)?

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-03-14 07:41:20
问题 We are using Crashlytics in our app as the crash reporting tool. For Android native crashes, it's working fine and grouping the crashes correctly. Our app also has few components in react-native. For the crashes which occur in these components, we catch them and then log them to Crashlytics as non-fatal exceptions. public class PlatformNativeModuleCallExceptionhandler implements NativeModuleCallExceptionHandler { @Override public void handleException(Exception e) { try { . . . Crashlytics

android: how to get trends from twitter?

荒凉一梦 提交于 2020-01-23 10:34:10
问题 I want to get trends from Twitter. Can any one help me with that please.I have done login using login button and got active session also now trouble is how to get trending hash tags. 回答1: example request: where id is WOEID - The Yahoo! Where On Earth ID of the location for global : 1 for india : 23424975 accesing twitterapi needs a Authorization as a header. public class ConstantsUtils {

Can't get List of followers in Twitter using Fabric

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2020-01-21 20:28:21
问题 I am using Fabric sdk for Twitter. In this I am able to make login request as it's described in its document. Now I wan't to get list of follower of logged in user and show in RecycleView with follower name and profile image. I have tried various solutions like: private void getFollowersdReq(long userID) { showProgressDialog(); JsonObjectRequest getRegisterReq = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET, "

Can't get List of followers in Twitter using Fabric

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-01-21 20:26:08
问题 I am using Fabric sdk for Twitter. In this I am able to make login request as it's described in its document. Now I wan't to get list of follower of logged in user and show in RecycleView with follower name and profile image. I have tried various solutions like: private void getFollowersdReq(long userID) { showProgressDialog(); JsonObjectRequest getRegisterReq = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET, "

Twitter integration in iOS app

眉间皱痕 提交于 2020-01-17 03:17:08
问题 In my ios app I'm trying to integrate twitter with fabric and i followed all the docs provided by fabric I have a problem when i build my app then some error 1.TwitterCore.framework/Headers/TwitterCore.h:20:9: 'Cocoa/Cocoa.h' file not found 2.TwitterKit.framework/Headers/TwitterKit.h:12:9: Could not build module 'TwitterCore' 3.AppDelegate.m:14:9: Could not build module 'TwitterKit' so i am unable to build app. 回答1: I had the exact same issue, the Cocoa/Cocoa.h