Can I create a self-closing element with createElement?

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-13 16:23:21


I'm trying to append a line of HTML before all the children of the body.

Right now I have this:

// Prepend vsr-toggle
var vsrToggle = document.createElement("div");
vsrToggle.innerHTML = "<input type='checkbox' name='sr-toggle' id='srToggle'><label for='srToggle' role='switch'>Screen reader</label>"
document.body.insertBefore(vsrToggle, pageContent);

It's working fine because the HTML is being added to the created div. However, I need to prepend this element without wrapping it in a div.

Is there a way to prepend the HTML without first creating an element? If not, can I create the input as a self-closing element and append the label to it?

Is there a better way to achieve this?



Use document.createDocumentFragment() to create a node, that isn't automatically added to the document. You can then add elements to this fragment and finally add it to the document.

This is a good link: Document fragment

How to use:

var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
fragment.innerHTML = '<input />';


I ended up using createRange and createContextualFragment to turn the string into a node that I could prepend using insertBefore.:

// Prepend vsr-toggle
var vsrToggle = document.createRange().createContextualFragment("<input 
type='checkbox' name='sr-toggle' id='srToggle'><label for='srToggle' 
role='switch'>Screen reader</label>");
document.body.insertBefore(vsrToggle, pageContent);


Edit: As Poul Bak showed, there is a very useful feature in the DOM API for that. Creating elements separately (instead of having them parsed as a string) allows more control over the elements added (for example you can outright attach an event listener without queryiing it from the DOM later), but for a larger amounts of elements it quickly becomes very verbose.

Create each element separately, and insert it before the body content using

document.body.insertBefore(newNode, document.body.firstChild);

const vsrToggle = document.createElement("input");"sr-toggle";"srToggle";

const vsrToggleLabel = document.createElement("label");
vsrToggleLabel.setAttribute("role", "switch");
vsrToggleLabel.textContent = "Screen reader";

document.body.insertBefore(vsrToggle, document.body.firstChild);
document.body.insertBefore(vsrToggleLabel, document.body.firstChild);
  <h1>Body headline</h1>
  <p>Some random content</p>

