Cakephp contain and belongsTo hasMany conditions

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-13 07:37:48


From the CakePHP manual:

  Let's say you had a belongsTo relationship between Posts and Authors. Let's say you wanted to find all the posts that contained a certain keyword ("magic") or were created in the past two weeks, but you want to restrict your search to posts written by Bob:

array (
    "" => "Bob", 
"OR" => array (
    "Post.title LIKE" => "%magic%",
    "Post.created >" => date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-2 weeks"))

However, its not working for me. I've got Scrapes belongsTo Vargroup, and Vargroup hasMany Scrape. My scrapes table has a field vargroup_id

When I do:


I get:

[Vargroup] => Array
        [id] => 16950
        [item_id] => 1056
        [image] => cn4535d266.jpg
        [price] => 22.95
        [instock] => 1
        [timestamp] => 2012-10-29 11:35:10

[Scrape] => Array
        [0] => Array
                [id] => 18163
                [item_id] => 1056
                [vargroup_id] => 16950
                [timestamp] => 2012-05-23 15:24:31
                [instock] => 1
                [price] => 22.95

But when I do :

$this->Vargroup->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
    'not' => array(
    array('Scrape.timestamp >' => $today)   

Im getting The following error with associated sql output

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'Scrape.timestamp' in 'where clause'
Query: SELECT `Vargroup`.`id`, `Vargroup`.`item_id`, `Vargroup`.`image`, `Vargroup`.`price`, `Vargroup`.`instock`, `Vargroup`.`timestamp` FROM `vargroups` AS `Vargroup`   WHERE `Scrape`.`timestamp` = '2012-10-29

It doesn't look like its binding the table at all.. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


Try with this:

 $this->Vargroup->find('first', array(
   'conditions' => array(
   'not' => array(
      'Scrape.timestamp >' => array($today)   

i think this examples from cakephp page tell the right way to do a "not" condition, check it out.

     "NOT" => array("Post.title" => array("First post", "Second post", "Third post"))

this is the complex find conditions page if you have more questions. Cakephp complex find conditions

