grunt-contrib-watch slow even with spawn = false

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-13 01:28:12


I have set up the grunt-contrib-watch task to copy a list of files to a "dist" directory every time I save one of the files of the "src" directory. Unfortunately it takes 7 to 9 seconds to accomplish this task.

I have heard about the "spawn" option for grunt-contrib-watch. Using load-grunt-tasks to load the config of each task from a separate JSON file, I changed my watch.json so that it looks like this :

    "service": {
        "files": [
        "tasks": [
        "options": {
            "spawn": "false",
            "livereload": "true"

...but setting it to false doesn't seems to change anything : it still takes 7 to 9 seconds to run. I installed time-grunt to monitor the task timing, here is what I got when saving a file :

When saving a file, I got the following output :

>> File "src\myfile.php" changed.

Running "copy:service" (copy) task
Created 7 directories, copied 120 files

Done, without errors.

Execution Time (2015-06-04 11:38:23 UTC)
loading tasks  333ms  ██████████████████ 40%
copy:service   490ms  ██████████████████████████ 60%
Total 823ms

Completed in 7.105s at Thu Jun 04 2015 13:38:24 GMT+0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time)

So it looks like the task in itself took less than a second, meaning that Grunt itself would take 6 seconds to load ? That seems pretty high. I'm on Windows 7, I've heard that on Windows there could be some performance issues.


Same problem here, after changed and execute task all modules was reload.

But i found a very good solution on github (

What's wrong with official grunt-contrib-watch?

It's slow and buggy, because it uses combination fs.fileWatch and, for historical reason. From Node 0.9.2+, is ok.

What to do?

  1. install grunt-este-watch

    npm install grunt-este-watch --save-dev
  2. change contrib watch


    to este watch

  3. change task

    watch: {
      javascript: {
          files: 'src/js/**/*',
          tasks: ['uglify']


    esteWatch: {
       options: {
          dirs: ['../src/**/*']
       'js': function(filepath) { return 'uglify' }

