How do I add a “Order for Pickup” button to my popup window allowing to proceed to checkout?

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-12 03:37:44


jQuery(function() {
var $ = jQuery;
$(document).on('touchstart mouseover', 'a#wsite-com-minicart-checkout-button', function(e) {
  var totalCount = $( "span#wsite-nav-cart-num" ).text();
  var totalNeeded = 12;
  if (totalCount < totalNeeded) {
     var totalItems = totalNeeded - totalCount;
        alert('Orders under ' + totalNeeded + ' packages are only available for pickup. Click "Order for Pickup" to proceed to checkout. If not, click "OK" and add ' + totalItems + ' more packages for us to ship your order.');
       return false;

Here's the link to view online:

Select any city, click "add to cart" then click "checkout" to see the popup window.

If a button isn't possible maybe I can use a checkbox?


I have altered the text in the confirm popup, sightly, but this is what you are looking for:

jQuery(function() {
var $ = jQuery;
  $(document).on('touchstart mouseover', 'a#wsite-com-minicart-checkout-button', function(e) {
      var totalCount = $( "span#wsite-nav-cart-num" ).text();
      var totalNeeded = 12;
      if (totalCount < totalNeeded) {
         var totalItems = totalNeeded - totalCount;
            var PickupOnly = confirm('Orders under ' + totalNeeded + ' packages are only available for local pickup. If this order is for local pickup only, click "Ok" to proceed to checkout. If not, click "Cancel" and add ' + totalItems + ' more packages for us to ship your order.');
            if (PickupOnly !== true) {
               return false;

Basically if PickupOnly is NOT true, they will stay on the page. If PickupOnly is true, then it will let them proceed to the checkout.


Confirm returns true or false. So instead of alert do

Var Result =  Confirm("your string here");
If (result === true) {
  // user wants to proceed write code to handle 
} else {
 // user clicked cancel handle that 

