Compute shader only updates part of data

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-11 22:52:40


I'm stuck with my program rendering all the particles, but only updating 1 particle on 3. Here's what I've done to test it. I made a vbo with 10 of my particles, put them all aligned veticaly and set the compute shader to modify their x position every update (pos.x+=0.1). Here's the result after about 1-2 seconds (image is 1:5 scale) :

I use local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1 and local_size_z = 1, then DispatchCompute(10,1,1) . Am I doing something wrong with the invocation ids?


Playing around with the struct definition in the shader by adding padding made it skip only one data every update. This means it's a padding problem, but I can't find any good explanation on how to properly pad. Also, is it possible not to pad? What if I don't want all this extra, useless data?

