Clone Self-Tracking Entities in EF 4.0?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-11 16:45:44


How I can clone a Self-Tracking Entity Graph in EF 4.0?



Self tracking entities are serializable so the simplest way to get deep clone of the entity (deep clone = clone of the graph) is to use DataContractSerializer and serialize and immediately deserialize it. Deserialized entity will be your clone of the graph.


When you say "clone", do you mean to create a new entity that will be persisted, or to just create another "transient" entity that is an in-memory copy of the same entity?

If you want to make an in-memory copy, you can always create a new instance of the entity class, and copy over the fields. Changes to it won't be tracked, since you haven't told the context about it.

var newInstance = new SomeEntity() { SomeProperty = oldInstance.SomeProperty };

If you want to create a new entity that will be persisted, then simply do the normal operations you'd do to insert a new record. E.g.:


You can't logically make a full copy that tracks changes, but refers to the same instance. Which version of the object would you take?

