R how to select several rows to make a new dataframe

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-11 16:41:31


I have a dataframe of more than 5000 observations. In my attempt of analysing my data using hierarchical clustering, I have 8 clusters, where some rows contain either a few 1000 or 100 observations.

# Cut tree into 8 groups
cutree_hclust <- cutree(hclust.unsupervised, k = 8)

# Number of members in each cluster

   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8 
  486   61  14    3   15    2    9    5 

To get a view of what variable combination there is for each observation in the different clusters, I thought that it might be an idea to make the 8 clusters as dataframes, so I can analyse them separately. This because I have not idea what different rows are in the different columns and therefore don't know what the pattern in the overall datafram (Complete_df) is.

However, how can I make these new dataframes?

I can see what rows are in the different clusters by, fx:

rownames(MY_df)[cutree_hclust == 7]

[1] "65"  "21"  "21"  "70"  "101" "104" "112" "673"
[9] "651"

But if I type

h_clust <- as.dataframe( rownames(MY_df)[cutree_hclust == 7])

I only get a view (as a list) of what rows are in this cluster and all the other columns are not included.

But how can I make this into a dataframe without have to type the row/column sequence with square brackets 5000 times?

