Visual Studio 2017 nuget packages exclamation marks even packages restoring completes fine

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-11 04:55:45


I dont what I am doing wrong but this is so annoying.

Just installed the latest Visual Studio 2017.

I have created a aspnetcore-angular 2 project with using yo aspnetcore-spa template

 yo aspnetcore-spa

Now I want to simply open the project in Visual Studio 2017 RC.

I would never think that this would be that complicated.

here is the link that I have followed.

But now when I open the project in VS 2017 RC I cannot build the project.

I can see that even the nuget packages are referenced they show exclamation marks on them. See the screenshot attached.

I tried evething, Update-Package, dotnet restore, etc. But no success.

No idea whats going on with the project.

Any idea?


I faced the same issue. The packages restored once i ran VS2017 as an administrator. Hope this Helps.

