Angular6 Synchronously Load Route Data

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-11 04:37:17


Okay, I recently implemented SSR into my Angular6 application, with the intention of rendering dynamic HTML in a crawlable manner. All seems to be working fine, but my issue is rendering data from an API endpoint.

As soon as a user arrives on my site, a list of top posts that have been retrieved from a Node server will be displayed. In order to retrieve the data before page load, I implemented a resolver for my posts service. The resolver will resolve an Observable, which will then be accessed by my component.

resolver.service.ts :

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Resolve } from '@angular/router';
import { PostService } from '../services/post.service';
import { of } from 'rxjs';

export class ResolverService implements Resolve<any> {
  constructor(private postService: PostService) { }

  resolve (){
    return of(this.postService.getPosts());

This Observable will be correctly resolved and can be accessed in my component like so,

content.component.ts :

  posts: any;

  constructor(private route:ActivatedRoute){}

  ngOnInit() {['posts'].subscribe(
      data =>{
        this.posts = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));

Then the posts variable will be rendered in the html. The problem is, when using a subscription, my data is not rendered in the source because subscriptions work asynchronously. I need the data to be extracted before page load.

If anyone can point me in the correct direction, it would be much appreciated. Thanks.


Add ngIf Condition in HTML may solve your problem.

Example :

<ul *ngIf="posts">
  <li>Title : {{posts.title}}</li>

Refrence Link : here

check the file contacts-detail.component.ts in a provided demo for more understanding.


Found the solution. I was previously using the HttpClient module to handle api calls, it turns out that I needed to use the Http module with the following approach I discovered thanks to @IftekharDani 's example.


import { Http } from '@angular/http';


getPosts(): Observable<any> {
    return this.http.get("<your site>/api/posts/all", { })
      res => {
        return res.json();
      err => {
        return err;

  resolve (route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot){
    return this.getPosts();


ngOnInit() {
    this.posts =['posts'];


import { ResolverService } from './services/resolver.service';

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: '**', component: ContentComponent, resolve: { posts: ResolverService}}

