Save image url path in DB columns [closed]

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-10 16:02:05


i am updating name , email in DB of registered user through php form. its working fine.


public function update($uname,$email, $tax)
    try {
    $stmt = $this->conn->prepare('UPDATE tbl_users SET userName = ?, userEmail = ? , tax = ?  WHERE userID = ? ');
    $stmt->execute(array($uname,$email, $tax , $_SESSION['userSession']));
    return $stmt->fetch();
    } catch(PDOException $e) {
        echo '<p class="bg-danger">'.$e->getMessage().'</p>';


<form action="profile.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">

Name : 
<input type="text" name="txtuname" value="<?php echo $row['userName'] ?>" /><br/>
Email :
<input type="text" name="txtemail" value="<?php echo $row['userEmail'] ?>" /><br>
<input type="file" name="photo" id="fileSelect"><br> 

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Save" />


form related code to save in db


$user_home = new USER();

    header("Location: index.php");

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
// new data
$uname = $_POST['txtuname'];
$email = $_POST['txtemail'];
$tax = trim($_POST['tax']); // image url path

$uid = (isset($_SESSION['userSession']) ? intval($_SESSION['userSession']) : 0);

if ($uid > 0 && $user_home->update($uname,$email, $tax, $uid))
    header("Location: profile1.php");

$stmt = $user_home->runQuery("SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE userID=:uid");
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


after this, now i am uploading an image to folder through same php form successfully with below code.

if($_FILES["photo"]["error"] > 0){ 
echo "Error: " . $_FILES["photo"]["error"] . "<br>"; 

} else{ 
$allowed = array("jpg" => "image/jpg", "jpeg" => "image/jpeg", "gif" => "image/gif", "png" => "image/png"); 
$filename = $_FILES["photo"]["name"]; 
$filetype = $_FILES["photo"]["type"]; 
$filesize = $_FILES["photo"]["size"]; 

// Verify file extension 
$ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); 
if(!array_key_exists($ext, $allowed)) die("Error: Please select a valid file format."); 

// Verify file size - 5MB maximum 
$maxsize = 5 * 1024 * 1024; 
if($filesize > $maxsize) die("Error: File size is larger than the allowed limit."); 

// Verify MYME type of the file 
if(in_array($filetype, $allowed)){ 
// Check whether file exists before uploading it 
if(file_exists("upload/" . $_FILES["photo"]["name"])){ 
echo $_FILES["photo"]["name"] . " is already exists."; 

} else{ 
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["photo"]["tmp_name"], "upload/" . $_FILES["photo"]["name"]); 

echo "Your file was uploaded successfully."; 
} else{ 

echo "Error: There was a problem uploading your file - please try again."; 


} else{ 
echo ""; 


now images are just saving in folders, what i need is i want that image path to save in database and assign that image path to uploaded user in database. so that one registered user can update the existing image, but not upload one more image.

i tried below code , but not working:

$folder = "upload/"; 
    $file = basename( $_FILES['image']['name']); 
    $full_path = $folder.$file; 
    $tax= $full_path;

    if(in_array($filetype, $allowed)){ 
// Check whether file exists before uploading it 
if(file_exists("upload/" . $_FILES["photo"]["name"])){ 
echo $_FILES["photo"]["name"] . " is already exists."; 

} else{ 
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["photo"]["tmp_name"], "upload/" . $_FILES["photo"]["name"]); 

echo "Your file was uploaded successfully."; 
} else{ 

echo "Error: There was a problem uploading your file - please try again."; 


} else{ 
echo ""; 

db columns : userName, userEmail, tax , photo

with help of google i done all above, i am new to php, so please kindly help me.


Add new function for saving files and use global php var $_FILES

1 Add new column to your DB to store file path, let's name it photo

2 Add new functions for your user class:

class User {
  const PATH_PHOTOS = '/path/to/photo/folder/';

  public function add_photo($file)
    $ext = pathinfo($file['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
    $file['new_name'] = uniqid(rand(), true) . ".$ext";
    if (!$this->_upload_file($file))
      return false;
    return $this->_remove_previous_photo()->_add_file_to_db(self::PATH_PHOTOS .     basename($file['new_name']));

  protected function _remove_previous_photo()
    $photo = $this->get_photo();
    if ($photo)
    return $this;

  public function get_photo()
    global $_SESSION;
    $stmt = $this->conn->prepare('SELECT photo FROM tbl_users WHERE userID = ?     ');
    $result = $stmt->fetch();
    return reset($result);

  public function get_photo_url()
    $pathInfo = pathinfo($this->get_photo());
    $last_dir = end(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $pathInfo['dirname']));
    return self::BASE_URL . "$last_dir/" . basename($this->get_photo());

  protected function _upload_file($file)
    $uploadfile = self::PATH_PHOTOS . $file['new_name'];
    return move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $uploadfile);

  protected function _add_file_to_db($file_path)
    try {
      $stmt = $this->conn->prepare('UPDATE tbl_users SET photo = ? WHERE userID = ? ');
      return $stmt->execute(array($file_path, $_SESSION['userSession']));
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
      echo '<p class="bg-danger">' . $e->getMessage() . '</p>';

3 The main file should look like this:


$user_home = new USER();

    header("Location: index.php");

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
// new data
$uname = $_POST['txtuname'];
$email = $_POST['txtemail'];
$tax = trim($_POST['tax']); // image url path

$uid = (isset($_SESSION['userSession']) ? intval($_SESSION['userSession']) : 0);

if ($uid > 0 && $user_home->update($uname,$email, $tax, $uid) && $user_home->add_photo($_FILES['photo']))
    header("Location: profile1.php");

$stmt = $user_home->runQuery("SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE userID=:uid");
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


Hope this helps


Here is another solution:

First of all execute this query manually to add the new column:

ALTER TABLE `tbl_users` ADD `photo` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ;

Then this is the php code:

$dbConn = new Database();

$user_home = new USER();

function uploadUserPhoto($uid) {
    global $dbConn;
    if(isset($_FILES["photo"]["error"])) {
        if($_FILES["photo"]["error"] > 0) {
            echo "Error: " . $_FILES["photo"]["error"] . "<br>";

        } else {
            $allowed = array("jpg" => "image/jpg", "jpeg" => "image/jpeg", "gif" => "image/gif", "png" => "image/png");
            $filename = $_FILES["photo"]["name"];
            $filetype = $_FILES["photo"]["type"];
            $filesize = $_FILES["photo"]["size"];

            $userDir = $uid;

            // Verify file extension
            $ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
            if(!array_key_exists($ext, $allowed)) die("Error: Please select a valid file format.");

            // Verify file size - 5MB maximum
            $maxsize = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
            if($filesize > $maxsize) die("Error: File size is larger than the allowed limit.");

            // Verify MYME type of the file
            if(in_array($filetype, $allowed)) {
                if(!is_dir('upload/'.$uid)) {

                $photoname = time().$uid.'_photo'.'.'.$ext;

                // delete all the files in this directory
                $files = glob('upload/'.$uid.'/*'); // get all file names
                foreach($files as $file){ // iterate files
                        unlink($file); // delete file

                // Upload the photo
                move_uploaded_file($_FILES["photo"]["tmp_name"], "upload/" . $uid . '/'. $photoname);

                $updateData = array(':userID' => $uid, ':photo' => $photoname);
                $stmt = $dbConn->conn->prepare("UPDATE tbl_users SET photo=:photo WHERE userID=:uid");

                echo "Your file was uploaded successfully.";
            } else {
                echo "Error: There was a problem uploading your file - please try again.";
    } else {
        echo "";

    header("Location: index.php");

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    // new data
    $uname = $_POST['txtuname'];
    $email = $_POST['txtemail'];
    $tax = trim($_POST['tax']); // image url path

    $uid = (isset($_SESSION['userSession']) ? intval($_SESSION['userSession']) : 0);

    if ($uid > 0 && $user_home->update($uname,$email, $tax, $uid))
        header("Location: profile1.php");

$stmt = $user_home->runQuery("SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE userID=:uid");
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

There is $dbConnection variable which is the connection to the DB but because I don't know the rest of your code you should replace it with your proper db connection variable.

The photo of the user is saved in photo column in tbl_users and for every user is created sub dir in uploads dir. The subdir is the userID. So for example for user with userID = 1 its upload path will be uploads/1/<filename>.

File name is generated dynamically - this avoids caching of uploaded photo with the same name for example ... and it is better approach.

You have to make a change in code for displaying the photo because now its filename is in the DB and there is subdir in uploads (which is the userID of the user)

