Paths not excluded from Github language statistics

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-10 10:08:51


I've already read about related SO threads here and here, as well as Github Linguist manual override, but I cannot seem to be able to exclude some top-level directories from language statistics.

At its current latest version, this repo shows a predominance of HTML code. Clicking on the HTML details, two HTML files are listed:

  • packages/NUnit.
    Last indexed on 30 Dec 2016.

  • packages/NUnit.
    Last indexed on 30 Dec 2016.

but those should be part of excluded paths within .gitattributes:

.nuget/* linguist-vendored
libs/* linguist-vendored
NUnit.Runners.2.6.4/* linguist-vendored
packages/* linguist-vendored             §§ <--- this one in particular
RubyInstallationFiles/* linguist-vendored

But in the same details page, the ranking at the bottom left clearly shows HTML at a lower place, while C# sits at the top:

What am I doing wrong?

Side question: among the many changes, I also removed comments from .gitattribute file, as I could not find from any reference if those are allowed or what. Does anyone know if you can have comments in there? Which format? TA


You can check the attributes with git-check-attr and verify they're set the way you think they are.

$ git check-attr --all -- packages/NUnit.

Seems it has no attributes. The problem appears to be that packages/* is not recursive.

$ git check-attr --all -- packages/NUnit.
packages/NUnit. linguist-vendored: set

So what are the rules for patterns? Same as for gitignore.

The rules how the pattern matches paths are the same as in .gitignore files; see gitignore(5). Unlike .gitignore, negative patterns are forbidden.

What you're looking for is /**.

A trailing "/**" matches everything inside. For example, "abc/**" matches all files inside directory "abc", relative to the location of the .gitignore file, with infinite depth.

Putting that fix in...

$ cat .gitattributes 
.nuget/** linguist-vendored
libs/** linguist-vendored
NUnit.Runners.2.6.4/** linguist-vendored
packages/** linguist-vendored
RubyInstallationFiles/** linguist-vendored

And now we're good.

$ git check-attr --all packages/NUnit.
packages/NUnit. linguist-vendored: set

That also answers your question about comments...

A line starting with # serves as a comment. Put a backslash ("\") in front of the first hash for patterns that begin with a hash.


Several things can be happening:

Language statistics weren't updated yet The language detection job runs as a low-priority background job. Language statistics may take some time to update (up to a day).

You've missed some HTML file(s) Search results showing files for each language are cached and not always up-to-date. Therefore, there may be some HTML files in your repository that you forgot to vendor.

How to debug? Your best option is to run Linguist locally. If you have a working Ruby environment, this is as simple as:

gem install github-linguist
linguist /path/to/your/repository --breakdown

This command will output Linguist results with the files detected for each language and the computed percentages.

Note: Your .gitattributes syntax is correct, no need to double the asterisks. Double asterisks are not needed at the end of a path for Linguist. However, you may need them to match several directories at the beginning of a wildcarded path, e.g.:


