Can the compiler not determine whether a variable is const by Itself?

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-08 15:07:29


I know for a function this simple it will be inlined:

int foo(int a, int b){
    return a + b;

But my question is, can't the compiler just auto-detect that this is the same as:

int foo(const int a, const int b){
    return a + b;

And since that could be detected, why would I need to type const anywhere? I know that the inline keyword has become obsolete because of compiler advances. Isn't it time that const do the same?


Yes, the compiler can prove constness in your example.

No, it would be of no use :-).

Update: Herb Sutter dedicated one of his gotchas to the topic ( Summary:

  • const helps most by making the compiler and linker choose functions for const objects including const member functions which can be coded to be more efficient.
  • const doesn't help with the usual translation unit model [differs from what I supposed]; the compiler needs to see the whole program for verifying factual constness (which the mere declaration does not guarantee) and exploiting it, as well as prove the absence of aliasing ...
  • ... and when the compiler can see the whole program and can prove factual constness it actually of course doesn't need the const declaration any longer! It can prove it. Duh.
  • The one place where const makes a big difference is a definition because the compiler may store the object in read-only memory.

The article is, of course, worth reading.

With respect to whole program optimization/translation which usually is necessary to exploit constness cf. the comments below from amdn and Angew.


You don't put const as the result of not modifying a variable. You use const to enforce you not modifying it. Without const, you are allowed to modify the value. With const, the compiler will complain.

It's a matter of semantics. If the value should not be mutable, then use const, and the compiler will enforce that intention.


can't the compiler just auto-detect that this is the same as...

If by that you mean whether the compiler can detect that the variables are not modified in the second case, most likely yes. The compiler is likely to produce the same output for both code samples. However, const might help the compiler in more complex situations. But the most important point is that it keeps you from inadvertently modifying one of the variables.


The compiler will always know what you did and will infer internal constness from that in order to optimize the code.

What the compiler can never know is what you wanted to do.

If you wanted a variable to remain constant but accidentally change it later in the code the compiler can only trap this error if you tell the compiler what you wanted.

This is what the const keyword is for.


struct bar {
  const int* x;

bar make_bar(const int& x){
  return {&x};

std::map<int,bar> data;


knowing that bar will never modify x (or cause it to be modified) in its lifetime requires understanding every use of bar in the program, or, say, making x a pointer to const.

Even with perfect whole program optimization (which cannot exist: turing machines are not perfectly understandable), dynamic linking means you cannot know at compile time how data will be used. const is a promise, and breaking that promise (in certain contexts) can be UB. The compiler can use that UB to optimize in ways that ignores the promise being broken.

inline is not obsolete: it means the same thing it ever did, that linker collisions of this symbol are to be ignored, and it mildly suggests injecting the code into the calling scope.

const simplifies certain optimizations (which may make them possible), and enforces things on the programmer (which helps the programmer), and can change what code means (const overloading).


Maybe he could but the const statement is also for you. If you set a variable as const and try to assign a new value afterwards you will get an error. If the compiler would make a var out of it by himself this would not work.


Const qualifier is a method to enforce behavior of the variables inside your scope. It only provides the compiler the means to scream at you if you try to modify them inside the scope where they are declared const.

A variable might be truly const (meaning it is writen in a read only location, hence compiler optimizations) if it's const at the time of it's declaration.

You can provide your 2nd function non const variables who will become "const" inside the function scope.

Or alternativelly you can bypass the const by casting , so the compiler cannot parse your whole code in an attempt to figure out if the valuea will be changed or not inside the function scope.

Considering that const qualifiers are mainly for code enforcing, and that compilers will generate the same code in 99% of cases if a variable is const or non const, then NO, the compiler shouldn't auto-detect constness.


Short answer: because not all problems are that simple.

Longer answer: You cannot assume that an approach which works with a simple problem also works with a complex problem

Exact answer: const is an intent. The main goal of const is to prevent you doing anything accidentially. If the compiler would add const automatically it would just see that the approach is NOT const and leave it at it. Using the const keyword will raise an error instead.

