Transforming Calendar Quarter to Financial Quarter

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-08 13:23:26


I am working with a dateframe (INPUT) that contains number the of transaction of a product per calendar quarter. The first column (DATE) contains the calendar quarter in this format "2016 Q2". I would like to transform this date into the a financial quarter format such as "2016/17 Q1". The financial year start in the 1st April.

I came up with the following code which does the job, but I was wondering if there is a formula or a neater code that I could use.


for (i in 1:nrow(INPUT)) {
    INPUT$FY_Date[i]= if(substr(INPUT$DATE[i],7,7)==1)  paste(as.numeric(substr(INPUT$DATE[i],1,4))-1,"/",substr(INPUT$DATE[i],3,4)," Q4",sep="") else 

    paste(substr(INPUT$DATE[i],1,4),"/",  formatC(as.numeric(substr(INPUT$DATE[i],3,4))+1,width=2,format="d",flag=0)," Q",as.numeric(substr(INPUT$DATE[i],7,7))-1,sep="")

I could not find any previous related posts so I would appreciate any guidance.


Using the "yearqtr" class defined in zoo we can do it in two lines of code.

Convert to "yearqtr". The "yearqtr" class uses an internal representation of year + (qtr-1)/4 where qtr is 1, 2, 3 or 4 so adding 3/4 will shift it to the year-end year and fiscal quarter. Then in the final line of code as.integer will extract the year-end year. format function can be used to get the rest where %y means 2 digit year and %q means quarter.


# test input
yq <- c("2016 Q2", "2016 Q3", "2016 Q4", "2017 Q1")

fyq <- as.yearqtr(yq, format = "%Y Q%q") + 3/4
paste0(as.integer(fyq) - 1, format(fyq, "/%y Q%q"))


[1] "2016/17 Q1" "2016/17 Q2" "2016/17 Q3" "2016/17 Q4"

Note that if you don't need the specific format shown in the question you could just use format(fyq) in place of the last line or maybe format(fyq, "%Y Q%q").

Update: Minor code improvements.

