Can´t add header to MassTransit message from OperationContext?

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-08 10:00:32


I am trying to add a header to a Masstransit message containing information from the currently logged user on a WCF Web application.

So at my web app, I have the following when the app starts:

IBusControl bus = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
    cfg.Host(new Uri("rabbitmq://localhost/test"), r =>

        s => s.UseSendExecute(
            c => c.Headers.Set(Constants.UserInfo, 

I am using an IoC container to create IBusControl only once in the application (singleton scope), then IBusControl gets injected into the Web service.

Note that OperationContext.Current does not exists when I am creating the servicebus, I am expecting the lambda c= > c.Headers.Set(...) to be called within the request context

Now, when the user makes a request, I am using a request-response pattern (although I dont think this matters)

var requestClient = _bus.CreateRequestClient<AddTicketRequest, AddTicketResponse>(uri, timeout);
var response = requestClient.Request(requestMessage);

The problem is, when this code is executed, and Masstransit tries to add the header to the message, OperationContext.Current is null as apparently it is running on a different thread then the user call.

Oddly enough, eventually Masstransit starts to call UseSendExecute from the right thread, and everything starts to work. And I have to restart IIS to replicate the bug again (!?).

Has anybody ever had this problem ? thanks.

I know I can add the Header when publishing the message, but I wanted to have all messages originated from the web application to have this header, and was expecting have it set up globally.


The issue looks related. I'll go with the same workaround, and I will work with a wrapper around IBusControl.

