NSNetServiceBrowser does not find Service

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-06 11:43:40

I was just getting that -72003 error all the time unless I disconnected and reconnected again (even the first time). Which lead to this solution:

private let serviceBrowser = NSNetServiceBrowser()

serviceBrowser.searchForServicesOfType(TYPE, inDomain: DOMAIN)

I don't know why this works but I'm no longer getting the error.

I had similar problem. My code successfully registered NSNetService and launched NSNetServiceBrowser but could not -resolveWithTimeout other devices. Strange, but sometimes did work, sometimes not and sometimes worked asymmetrically.

After intense debugging I can give you some tips to check:

  1. Install Bonjour Browser on desktop. Plug out your network cable and check if you are connected to the same WiFi hotspot as mobile devices. Here you should see the same service state as mobile devices will do.

  2. Try with different WiFi hotspot. Strange but my main WiFi performed badly. After I switched to another one it worked like a charm using the very same code. Try unplug WiFi from Internet for testing.

  3. You can add some retains (or assign to static variable) to objects returned from API (like NSNetService). ARC can do silently dealloc if it decides object is not needed anymore. That helped my for some tests.
