
NSNetServiceBrowser did not search with error -72008 on iOS 14

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2021-02-20 04:40:07
问题 The same error is also triggered setting up Multipeer Connectivity (which uses Bonjour). The code I was using for initiating Bonjour browsing and Multipeer Connectivity was modified from the Apple sample code and worked fine under iOS 13. 回答1: You need to add the following keys to the Info.plist: NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription and NSBonjourServices . E.g. <key>NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription</key> <string>Reason for using Bonjour that the user can understand</string> <key>NSBonjourServices<


試著忘記壹切 提交于 2020-03-29 21:39:11
今天在网上搜索了一下,发现一篇关于java集合的博文,里面整理得非常好, 特意copy过来和大家分享一下 本讲内容:集合 collection 讲集合collection之前,我们先分清三个概念: colection 集合,用来表示任何一种数据结构 Collection 集合接口,指的是 java.util.Collection接口,是 Set、List 和 Queue 接口的超类接口 Collections 集合工具类,指的是 java.util.Collections 类。 SCJP考试要求了解的接口有:Collection , Set , SortedSet , List , Map , SortedMap , Queue , NavigableSet , NavigableMap, 还有一个 Iterator 接口也是必须了解的。 SCJP考试要求了解的类有: HashMap , Hashtable ,TreeMap , LinkedHashMap , HashSet , LinkedHashSet ,TreeSet , ArrayList , Vector , LinkedList , PriorityQueuee , Collections , Arrays 下面给出一个集合之间的关系图: 上图中加粗线的ArrayList 和 HashMap 是我们重点讲解的对象

Bonjour: Search for a service by name

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2020-03-06 04:50:13
问题 I have an application that needs to search and resolve a Bonjour-advertised service whose name is known in advance. Most Bonjour examples I have found related to service discovery are structured more or less like this: Call browse to detect all services of a given type (for example, this could be _http._tcp ) For each service found, serviceFound is called. Service names are reported here Call resolve on each service found For each service resolved, serviceResolved is called Is it possible


寵の児 提交于 2020-03-05 01:53:56
作者:Vamei 出处: 严禁任何形式转载。 给树莓派连上显示器和键盘鼠标,就可以像使用一台电脑一样使用它了。但很多时候,我们是把体积小巧的树莓派当做一个便携设备来使用的。这种时候,用户可不希望随身带着体积庞大的鼠标、键盘和显示器。如果能用手中的电脑直接连接树莓派,然后用该电脑的输入输出设备来操纵树莓派电脑,就可以省去很多不必要的麻烦。除此之外,树莓派在物联网情境下的应用,也离不开多样的远程连接方式。 局域网SSH登陆 常见的家庭或办公网络都是以一个WiFi路由器为中心的。这种局域网场景下,可以很容易的用SSH的方式来远程登陆树莓派。SSH是用于远程服务器管理的加密协议。SSH分为服务器和客户端两端。树莓派将作为服务器端,而同一局域网下的另一台电脑可以作为客户端。客户端成功登陆之后,我们可以从客户端用命令行的方式来远程操作服务器端。 首先,我们需要开启树莓派上的SSH服务器。树莓派已经预装好了SSH服务器,我们只需要进入树莓派的设置页面开启就可以。从终端用命令行进入设置页面: sudo raspi-config 然后在"5 Interfacing Options" -> "P2 SSH"中打开SSH服务器: 为了远程连接,我们必须知道树莓派的IP地址。在树莓派上,我们可以用ifconfig命令来找到树莓派的IP地址:

Swift -Does the Bonjour NSNetServiceBrowser have a peer limit larger then MCSession's 8?

旧街凉风 提交于 2020-03-04 15:37:22
问题 Using a MCSession , the session can only have 8 devices connected to it: Sessions currently support up to 8 peers, including the local peer I need way more than 8 peers. I came across this apple forums dev thread where someone asked a similar question and an Apple engineer named eskimo said that it can be achieved using NSNetService and its includesPeerToPeer flag or the Bonjour browser . I've seen a bunch of people ask questions on how to get around the MCSession 8 peer limit but I haven't

Swift -Does the Bonjour NSNetServiceBrowser have a peer limit larger then MCSession's 8?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-03-04 15:35:14
问题 Using a MCSession , the session can only have 8 devices connected to it: Sessions currently support up to 8 peers, including the local peer I need way more than 8 peers. I came across this apple forums dev thread where someone asked a similar question and an Apple engineer named eskimo said that it can be achieved using NSNetService and its includesPeerToPeer flag or the Bonjour browser . I've seen a bunch of people ask questions on how to get around the MCSession 8 peer limit but I haven't

Connect to website on local network without knowing IP

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-01-23 18:55:40
问题 I'm creating an embedded device (based on an RPi) which will connect to the local network. I would like this device to be able to configure the device via a web page (much the same as many routers). I would like the user to type [http://my-device-config] (or some other fixed address) into the web browser and be sent to the config page without having to know the ip address of the device. The steps the user would take are as follows: User plugs device into network/turns device on. User types

MIDINetworkConnection BAD_ACCESS on dealloc (iOS 9)

孤人 提交于 2020-01-06 03:24:23
问题 I've got a strange Network MIDI issue that's arisen in iOS 9 which effectively works like the following: I do a NSNetServiceBrowser scan for wifi midi devices. It finds my macbook and I create a MIDINetworkConnection with the host from the NSNetService and store this in an ivar I do another scan some time later which nils the ivar. This causes a BAD_ACCESS in the internal dealloc of MIDINetworkConnection Stack trace: #0 0x000000019902dbd0 in objc_msgSend () #1 0x0000000184c41698 in

MIDINetworkConnection BAD_ACCESS on dealloc (iOS 9)

邮差的信 提交于 2020-01-06 03:24:13
问题 I've got a strange Network MIDI issue that's arisen in iOS 9 which effectively works like the following: I do a NSNetServiceBrowser scan for wifi midi devices. It finds my macbook and I create a MIDINetworkConnection with the host from the NSNetService and store this in an ivar I do another scan some time later which nils the ivar. This causes a BAD_ACCESS in the internal dealloc of MIDINetworkConnection Stack trace: #0 0x000000019902dbd0 in objc_msgSend () #1 0x0000000184c41698 in

Bonjour SDK for Windows 8.1

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2020-01-04 13:49:18
问题 I installed both Bonjour SDK for Windows v2.0.4 and Bonjour 3 for Windows 8 and 8.1 from Apple's website on my Windows 8.1 machine. When I try to use the Bonjour package in my C# code, the package is not recognized and I can't use the SDK. Any ideas why this would happen? Edit: Turns out it was because Interop.Bonjour.dll was not among the References, so I added it and now I don't get the error. However, when I try to use a class of Bonjour package, like below: DNSSDService service = new