Steps to generate parse tree from CYK Algorithm (Natural Language Processing)

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-06 07:12:23

You should visit recursively the cells of your table and unfold them in the same way you did for the S node until everything is a terminal (so you don't have anything else to unfold). In your example, you first go to cell [0][2]; this is a terminal, you don't have to do anything. Next you go to [2][5], this is a non-terminal made by [2][3] and [3][5]. You visit [2][3], it's a terminal. [3][5] is a non-terminal, made by two terminals. You are done. Here is a demo in Python:

class Node:
    '''Think this as a cell in your table'''
    def __init__(self, left, right, type, word):
        self.left = left
        self.right = right
        self.type = type
        self.word = word

# Declare terminals
t1 = Node(None,None,'MOD','can')
t2 = Node(None,None,'PRON','you')
t3 = Node(None,None,'VERB', 'eat')
t4 = Node(None,None,'DET', 'a')
t5 = Node(None,None,'NOUN','flower')

# Declare non-terminals
nt1 = Node(t1,t2, 'NP', None)
nt2 = Node(t4,t5, 'NP', None)
nt3 = Node(t3,nt2,'VP', None)
nt4 = Node(nt1,nt3,'S', None)

def unfold(node):
    # Check for a terminal
    if node.left == None and node.right == None:
        return node.word+"_"+node.type

    return "["+unfold(node.left)+" "+unfold(node.right)+"]_"+node.type

print unfold(nt4)

And the output:

[[can_MOD you_PRON]_NP [eat_VERB [a_DET flower_NOUN]_NP]_VP]_S