Vs update result in System.TypeLoadException

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-06 01:21:12

Unfortunately we have the same problem with Update 4, this is probaly caused by referencing a winmd (C++) component. We have the problem with the SmoothStreaming SDK for Windows 8.1.

We have reached to Microsoft but no answer yet.

A colleague solved this problem by reinstalling Windows and Visual Studio. Then he updated to Update 3. (Just removing the update 4 didn't work for him) I rather avoid this 'solution' but if there is no hotfix next week, I probaly have to do these steps.


Microsoft answered my issue that they will fix this problem in Update 5. https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/Feedback/Details/1036072

Discussion about this problem:

Vs update result in System.TypeLoadException,was it a bug of VS?

VS2013 Update 4: TypeLoad Exception when referencing a winmd (C++) component

Connect: TypeLoadException when referencing a winmd C++ component

I am able to reproduce this problem at Connect:

you can't create a constructor with param in c++ winrt component

*****you can see my demo project here(attachment):*****
Vs update result in System.TypeLoadException
