How to make height of a dijit Accordionpane dynamic

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-05 23:21:15

It is not currently possible. I wrote a blog / sample code to explain why and how to generate a group of TitlePane's that expand to their natural height (rather than the height of the container for the AccordionContainer):

It requires making a single TitleGroup widget (custom, code in blog), and placing TitlePane's inside. Each behave mostly like an AccordionPane (with title="" attributes, href="" loading capabilities, etc) and delegates title clicks to manage the open/closed state of siblings.

I Overrode the _getTargetHeight function of dijit.layout.AccordionContainer and always return 'auto' for height. Animation of sliding panes won't work correctly but its not that noticeable.

_getTargetHeight: function(/* Node */ node){
// summary:
//For the given node, returns the height that should be
//set to achieve our vertical space (subtract any padding
//we may have).
//This is used by the animations.

//var cs = dojo.getComputedStyle(node);
//return Math.max(this._verticalSpace - dojo._getPadBorderExtents(node, cs).h, 0);
return 'auto';

try setting the dimensions on the Accordion Container itself to a size that is big enough to hold your content plus the necessary title panes, e.g.

  height: 120px;
  width: 200px;

The startup() call on the container should start up the child panes for you.

Now you can also just use dijit.TitlePanes with no container at all. You can pass open: false when you instantiate the panes to start them off closed. I think enclosing them in a dojox.widget.TitleGroup will emulate the behavior of having 1 open at a time.
