Boyer Moore Algorithm Implementation?

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-05 22:27:19

The best site for substring search algorithms:

There are a couple of implementations of Boyer-Moore-Horspool (including Sunday's variant) on Bob Stout's Snippets site. Ray Gardner's implementation in BMHSRCH.C is bug-free as far as I know1, and definitely the fastest I've ever seen or heard of. It's not, however, the easiest to understand -- he uses some fairly tricky code to keep the inner loop as a simple as possible. I may be biased, but I think my version2 in PBMSRCH.C is a bit easier to understand (though definitely a bit slower).

1 Within its limits -- it was originally written for MS-DOS, and could use a rewrite for environments that provide more memory.
2 This somehow got labeled as "Pratt-Boyer-Moore", but is actually Sunday's variant of Boyer-Moore-Horspool (though I wasn't aware of it at the time and didn't publish it, I believe I actually invented it about a year before Sunday did).
