SVN: how to solve 'file has been replaced' status

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-05 21:05:20
  1. Copy the file and put it in a temp location
  2. Run "svn revert "
  3. Now copy it back to the same location
  4. Run "svn st " to check status

i fixed it by simply committing. it for some reason code did not do this automatically.

I used a similar procedure to that explained by Version Control Buddy to correct this issue in RAD with Subversive SVN Connector (Eclipse may be similar):

  1. List item
  2. Copy the file(s) to a temp location outside of RAD
  3. Revert the file(s) in RAD using Right-click > Team > Revert
  4. Outside of RAD, copy the saved back to the location
  5. Refresh the folder in RAD, and the correct status will show.

Note that I find if I just directly check in a file that is showing as Replace, the history of the original file is not easily view-able, so it may be worth these steps to preserve the history, especially on a multi-user project.
