Paths not excluded from Github language statistics

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-05 19:41:26

You can check the attributes with git-check-attr and verify they're set the way you think they are.

$ git check-attr --all -- packages/NUnit.

Seems it has no attributes. The problem appears to be that packages/* is not recursive.

$ git check-attr --all -- packages/NUnit.
packages/NUnit. linguist-vendored: set

So what are the rules for patterns? Same as for gitignore.

The rules how the pattern matches paths are the same as in .gitignore files; see gitignore(5). Unlike .gitignore, negative patterns are forbidden.

What you're looking for is /**.

A trailing "/**" matches everything inside. For example, "abc/**" matches all files inside directory "abc", relative to the location of the .gitignore file, with infinite depth.

Putting that fix in...

$ cat .gitattributes 
.nuget/** linguist-vendored
libs/** linguist-vendored
NUnit.Runners.2.6.4/** linguist-vendored
packages/** linguist-vendored
RubyInstallationFiles/** linguist-vendored

And now we're good.

$ git check-attr --all packages/NUnit.
packages/NUnit. linguist-vendored: set

That also answers your question about comments...

A line starting with # serves as a comment. Put a backslash ("\") in front of the first hash for patterns that begin with a hash.

Several things can be happening:

Language statistics weren't updated yet The language detection job runs as a low-priority background job. Language statistics may take some time to update (up to a day).

You've missed some HTML file(s) Search results showing files for each language are cached and not always up-to-date. Therefore, there may be some HTML files in your repository that you forgot to vendor.

How to debug? Your best option is to run Linguist locally. If you have a working Ruby environment, this is as simple as:

gem install github-linguist
linguist /path/to/your/repository --breakdown

This command will output Linguist results with the files detected for each language and the computed percentages.

Note: Your .gitattributes syntax is correct, no need to double the asterisks. Double asterisks are not needed at the end of a path for Linguist. However, you may need them to match several directories at the beginning of a wildcarded path, e.g.:
