Febelfin CODA (Coded Statement of Account) 2.3 Only used in Belgium?

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-05 06:20:51

This is the official CODA specification in English from the Belgian Bankers’ and Stockbroking Firms’ Association (Febelfin).

You are unlikely to find a C# library to work with this - banks are notorious for having systems from the iron age. Maybe if you wanted a Cobol or Fortran implementation you'll find something ;)

The document discusses SEPA for local transactions, and apparently SWIFT for international. SWIFT is the de facto banking wire format for all international transactions. SWIFT has several modern implementations in most languages, though it's simple enough to implement yourself in any way you want.

Mvision, I couldn't find your contact details and I don't have enough reputation to comment yet.

Did you find or write a library/class to interpret CODA-statements yet? Could you please share it or share some insights on how you've written it? It would be much appreciated!

Meanwhile the standard has been updated to v2.4 (from v2.3 and v2.3a) of which you can find the English spec and the Dutch spec.

They include a changelog for v2.4 at the end and this is the changelog for v2.3a:

New category codes 435 and 436 and deleted category code 052

I found some existing implementations in Python compatible with CODA up to v2.2, one should be able to port this to C#: https://www.odoo.com/apps/modules?author=Noviat
