Displaying unicode text in Rave Reports on Delphi 2009

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-04 17:48:06

I used this...it seemed to work with Dephi XE's built in RAVE package...

Procedure TfrmMain.RaveCustomConnectionGetRow                  (         Connection: TRvCustomConnection);
  MemoString : String;
  Index      : Integer;
  Size       : Integer;
  Buffer     : PAnsiChar;


  { Init MemoString }
  MemoString := '';

  For Index := 0 To DataList.Count - 1 Do Begin
    MemoString := MemoString + DataList.Strings [Index] + #13#10;
  End; { For }

  { Set the Size (Unicode) and Buffer }
  Size := Length (MemoString) * 2;
  Buffer := PAnsiChar (MemoString);

  { Send the data over as a Blob object to RAVE }
  Connection.WriteBlobData (Buffer^, Size);

End; { RaveCustomConnectionGetRow Procedure }

Unless someone from Nevrona cares to comment, I am concluding that it is not (yet) possible.

Even without unicode the RTF printing in Rave reports is broken (adds rectangles at the end of the lines). New version 7.6.2 has not fixed this,,,

F&^%ing pathetic from Codegear (or what is it called now) and Nevrona...
