How to test LoopingCall()?

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-04 12:06:53

I believe that I have found the problems.

  1. LoopingCall is using the reactor by default. I needed to set it up so that it used my own clock via the class variable clock. See task.clock class documentation.
  2. self.clock.advance(x) sets the clock to be at time x. It does not go through (x-1, x-2, ..., now) and thus any deferred that should run on those intermediate steps will not run. Hence, the error in the test is correct behaviour. Calling self.clock.advance(1) within a loop starting at 0 and ending in seconds_elapsed did have the desired effect.

The Twisted section on unit tests is worth reading a few times so you get familiar with what is going on. If you have more problems, look at the twisted internal unit tests!
