What cloud platform supports playframework 2.x deployments?

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-04 10:57:11

There is also dotCloud.

I would recommend Heroku as The One (in capital letters). They are amazing, and provide excellent support for Play.

BUT! we aware that (unless I missed something last week) they still DO NOT SUPPORT WebSockets, arguably one of the major improvements in Play 2.0. So, if your application requires WebSockets, go with Amazon EC2.

As far as I know, you have :

  • Heroku
  • Cloudfoundry

EDIT : I'll add a bit of information about Play! cloud platforms. Zenexity, the company behind Play had a cloud platform for 1.x versions of Play! : playapps. They recently announced (1st may 2012) that they will close the platform. But they are suggesting a move to Heroku for all plays apps. As well for versions 1.x as 2.x.

Jelastic is a breath of fresh air.

And here is a tutorial: http://blog.jelastic.com/2013/07/02/play-2-web-application-deployment-tutorial/
