What is the best REST implemenation when using tornado RequestHandlers

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-04 07:55:27

First of all, to guard against mysite.com/LOCATION_ID/music I would create differences between all of your id's. For instance, have LOCATION_ID be a 32 character string, and PLAYLIST_ID 34, etc. This way you can check for the string length as soon as the handler is called.

Alternatively, you can use regular expression groups to catch it right in the URI and then define different handlers for each. (Also, your ID should probably be after all of the static text in the URI, just for good convention). For instance, if your PLAYLIST_ID is a UUID and you LOCATION_ID is a string:

(r"/music/([\w]{8}-[\w]{4}-[\w]{4}-[\w]{4}-[\w]{12})", PlaylistMusicHandler), #playlistID
(r"/music/([A-Za-z0-9]+)", LocationHandler), #locationID
if not self.db.get("SELECT 1 FROM objects WHERE music_id = %s", object_id):
    raise HTTPError(404, "Music object %s not found" % name)

FWIW a mysite.com/music/MUSIC_ID scheme makes more sense to me.
