TypeError: The “digest” argument is required and must not be undefined

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-04 02:09:58

Per the crypto.pbkdf2Sync method you are missing the final argument which is digest, thus the error being displayed.


Also with further investigation you can see that the digest argument was required in Node v6.0.

The previous default seems to have been 'sha1'.

This could also be caused by the wrong version of node / running a version that has calls that are not supported in the version of node that you have active

My Experience: My team has an application that requires Node 6.10.0. Sometimes I forget to switch to this version of node and run the latest code under 8.6.0 and I receive the same error. As soon as I swap back to 6.10.0 the website will allow me to login.

(I can see that the accepted answer also mentions this, but I wanted to add a more obvious answer in case it helps someone out there!)
