RCov with RSpec-2

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-03 13:13:17

Try passing in options to exclude the gem directory. Or since your running rails use the rails flag:

desc  "Run all specs with rcov"
RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:rcov => spec_prereq) do |t|
  t.rcov = true
  t.rcov_opts = %w{--rails --exclude osx\/objc,gems\/,spec\/,features\/}

If you happen to be on Ruby 1.9x, I just got CoverMe (an rcov-ish lib that works under 1.9) working. Snappy and works out of the box w/ RSpec -- pretty much a plug-n-play setup. It just silently does your /coverage stuff every time you run rake:spec. Thought I'd mention it since I'm running 1.9.2preview3 on my bleeding edge stuff and it's possible you'll run into some 1.9 issues if you're using it.

We use simplecov at work, and find it easy and effective. I find it to be a cleaner solution than modifying rspec source directly, especially when you have CI servers to worry about.

Came up with this -

1) Open ~/.rvm/rubies//lib/ruby/gems//gems/rspec-rails-2.XXXXX/lib/rspec/rails/tasks/rspec.task in your favorite editor.

2) Add this rake task

desc  “Run all specs with rcov”
RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:rcov => spec_prereq) do |t|
  t.rcov = true

One outstanding problem. it runs rspec on every spec in both my rvm install folder and the project i'm in when i run the task. I can't figure out how to exclude all those rvm install tests. If anyone has an idea please let me know.
