Erlang : Tuple List into JSON

孤人 提交于 2019-12-03 12:51:23

You need to convert those strings inside there into binary before you send it to the encoder. The mochijson2 encoder just considers this as a list of integers and outputs it as an array. So mochijson2 needs you to convert{'key', "val"} into {'key', <<"val">>}

Try this in your code:

Original = [
StingConverted = [ {X,list_to_binary(Y)} || {X,Y} <- Original ].
Output = mochijson2:encode(StingConverted).
io:format("This is correct: ~s~n", [Output]).

Or if you prefer using Funs:

Original = [
ConvertFun = fun({X,Y}) -> {X,list_to_binary(Y)} end.
StingConverted = lists:map(ConvertFun, Original).
Output = mochijson2:encode(StingConverted).
io:format("This is correct: ~s~n", [Output]).