How to get direct link of remote video from embedded url within a url in Android using JSoup?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-03 12:43:33

This is how you can GET the file:

(Notice: the Extraction part only works with current html of the site and if that changes, it may not work correctly!)

String url = "";
int timeout = 100 * 1000;

// Extract video URL
Document doc = Jsoup.connect(url).timeout(timeout).get();
Element script = doc.getElementById("inner-content")
String content =;
int indexOfUrl = content.indexOf("url");
int indexOfComma = content.indexOf(',', indexOfUrl);
String videoUrl = "https:" + content.substring(indexOfUrl + 6, indexOfComma - 1);


Now you can get the file by specifying .ignoreContentType(true) in order to avoid org.jsoup.UnsupportedMimeTypeException and .maxBodySize(0) to remove the limit on file size.

// Get video file
byte[] video = Jsoup.connect(videoUrl)

I don't know if you can play it in Android or not but I think you can save it using (I tested it in Java SE but not Android development environment.)

// Save video file File("test.mp4"), video);