Guice eager/lazy singleton instantiations

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-03 12:36:33

1) There is no way to avoid this, since Guice calls the init() method of all servlets on initialization of its own filter pipeline and thus constructs them all. If you really need such lazy initialization logic, you should place it into the servlet itself (or use a decoupled helper class, or... there are many ways, depending on your use case).

2) Generally said, the modules of Guice declare bindings, there are not designed to be bootstrap definitions with precise instantiation orders. If you need such a defined instantiation order, create the objects yourself in the desired order and bind them via bind(...).toInstance(...). If you need injection in the self constructed instances you may use requestInjection(...) (if field/method injection is sufficient, it's more cumbersome for constructor injection).

3) The scope of Guice applies to the binding key, not the binding value, Applying Scopes describes why only your second example is working as intended.
