How can Resharper be made aware of the framework version?

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-03 10:54:38

Select your project in the Solution Explorer and open the Properties tool window (F4 in the standard keyboard layout or View > Properties Window after selecting the project). In the ReSharper section, there is a Language Level property that you can set to C# 2.0. Note that there are two separate project properties windows that manage different properties, if you see tabs for "Application", "Build" and "Debug" you are in the wrong window.

As others have said, this affects the version of C#, not the version of the framework (since most of the C# 3.0 changes can be compiled to an assembly that targets .NET 2.0).

Those features are not .NET 3.5 framework features, but merely features of the 3.5 compiler. And since in VS2008 this is the compiler invoked for .NET 2 targets, it does handle these syntax extensions correctly.
