Matching up offsets in iOS crash dump to disassembled binary

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-03 10:45:26

Provided that myapp did not strip out symbols you'll be able to use atos.

You can always man atos for more details but this should be sufficient for your problem:

-o symbol_file # debugging information output by the compiler this may be a dSYM or the binary itself depending on who you saved symbol information
-l load address # the base address in the process space at which your library is loaded into the springboard process (Looks like 0x1000)
Also a list of addresses you wish to symbolicate

    atos -o myapp -l 0x1000 0x00005b0a 0x0005bca ... etc

That output should be a list of symbol names to the terminal. Again, this requires that the myapp did not have symbols stripped out.

Add the virtual address of the __TEXT segment to the relative address given in the crash dump. The result is the address to look up in the disassembly. Here are the steps:

  1. Use otool -lv <application-binary> to dump the load commands from the application binary. Look for the load command for the __TEXT segment and the associated value for vmaddr, typically 0x1000. You don't need the information about the __text section that is shown above, just the information about the segment.

  2. In the crash dump, addresses in the call stack are given in the form 0x00124ff4 0xf4000 + 200692. The last part is an offset within the binary in decimal. Add this to the value obtained in step 1 and convert to hexadecimal. In this example, we would calculate 0x1000 + 200692 which is 0x31ff4 in hex.

  3. Use otool -tV <application-binary> to dump disassembly for the application binary. Locate the address obtained in step 2 (0x31ff4 in this example). For the topmost frame of the call stack this is where the application crashed. For all other levels, at the calculated address should be a branch instruction which corresponds to the next higher level in the stack.
