Nightwatch Mock HTTP Requests

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-03 07:51:28

Nightwatch.js is an end to end testing tool - so the point is that actual UIs as well as the api they call will be live (and not mocked) So maybe you are looking for a framework designed for integration tests like casper.js ( or nightmare (

However mocking http calls in nightwatch should be doable with nock i believe (if you have some strange use case that warrants it) Ensure that you're nock http calls are before tests (they can even be in a before block), eg:

module.exports = {
  'test abc' : function (browser) {
      .query({name: 'martin'})
      .reply(200, {results: [{id: '123'}]});

    // do test stuff

Possible problem with your example is that your mocking the entire UI - nightwatch might be somehow preventing the same domain from being intercepted. Having your UI and API on different domains (or ports) might solve the issue
