How to send money to any paypal account

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-11-26 15:55:58

You've got two main options: use the MassPay API or try out the new Adaptive Payments API.

The Adaptive Payments option gives you a lot more control over the payment and is the future direction of the Paypal APIs, so that's where i'd start if i were you. It supports SOAP, NVP, JSON and plain XML. MassPay has both a SOAP and NVP interface.

IPNs are a totally different subject:

This is a very old thread, but there are recent improvements to the PayPal REST API. You can specify the third party account in the payee object. See here

Seems like lot of things are now deprecated. You should use PayPal Payouts.

Use PayPal Payouts to send money to multiple people at the same time.

To send a payout, you need to know:

  1. Each recipient's email address, a domestic mobile number, or payer ID (an encrypted PayPal account number)
  2. Payment amount (per recipient)
  3. Currency code (one currency per payout)