Is it possible to put the help icons in p:accordionPanel header?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-02 16:21:48


I'm using PrimeFaces 5.2 and JSF for developing pages but I couldn't add search icon and other links in Accordion panel header?

<p:accordionPanel dynamic="true" cache="true">
    <p:tab title="Sample Accordion Panel1 for ABC_UX My Chronical">
        <h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="10">
            <h:outputText styleClass="UX_FontClass" value="The Story Begins with ABC_UX R and D Works My Chronicle..." />

How can I use the search and help icons in <p:accordionPanel> header?


I'm almost 100% sure there was an answer here (otherwise it could not be marked as being the target of a duplicate)

No this is not possible. Your best bet is to take the PrimeFaces source. Add an option facet to the tab like the normal panel has and use that.

