Difference between F5, CTRL + F5 and click on refresh button?

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-02 16:07:45

CTRL+F5 Reloads the current page, ignoring cached content and generating the expected result.

Pavel Podlipensky

I did small research regarding this topic and found different behavior for the browsers:

See my blog post "Behind refresh button" for more details.

F5 and the refresh button will look at your browser cache before asking the server for content.

Ctrl + F5 forces a load from the server.

You can set content expiration headers and/or meta tags to ensure the browser doesn't cache anything (perhaps something you can do only for the development environment).

F5 triggers a standard reload.

Ctrl + F5 triggers a forced reload. This causes the browser to re-download the page from the web server, ensuring that it always has the latest copy.

Unlike with F5, a forced reload does not display a cached copy of the page.


F5 is a standard page reload.


CTRL + F5 refreshes the page by clearing the cached content of the page.

Having cursor in the address field and pressing ENTER will also do the same as CTRL + F5
