Passing forms vs raw input to service layer

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-02 13:27:31

The Form itself should handle the validation, ZF2 has methods on the Form class that enable this.

In an action on a controller that expects some kind of data from a form one of the first things I do is validate the form ($form->isValid()). If the form is not valid the controller will handle this immediately. Normally this involves jumping straight to returning the ViewModel with the form (which now contains data + validation results) so that the user can see any validation errors.

I don't see why'd you bother going any further without checking to see if you've got valid data or with data you know to be invalid. In fact the data might even be malicious (CSRF, which is handled by form validation).

Basically the issue of passing raw vs filtered input never really comes up.
