

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-04 23:33:27
Xcache 和 memcached 是两个不同层面的缓存,不存在可比性。 Xcache 是 php 底层的缓存,它将PHP程式编译成字节码(byte code),再透过服务器上安装对应的程式来执行PHP脚本。而 memcached 是应用层缓存,它通过在内存中缓存数据和对象来减少读取数据库的次数,从而提高动态、数据库驱动网站的速度。 xcache 是不需要修改PHP程序的,只要安装了就可以自动为你的程序加速,而 memcached 则需要你修改程序的,需要你在操作数据库之前先询问下 memcached 有没有缓存数据,如果有且没有过期则不再访问数据库,以达到减少数据库查询的目的。 LAMP 的瓶颈在M,即数据库,以新的KVDB代替旧的关系数据库可以直接提高web应用程序的性能。 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/189901/blog/135656


萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-04 23:33:08
1.Xcache 介绍 在很短的时间内, PHP 成为了一种非常流行的开发 Web 应用程序的程序设计语言。对初学者来说, PHP 易于安装和学习。对于有经验的开发人员而言, PHP (从 V5 开始)提供了强大的面向对象特性。 PHP 开发人员拥有庞大的群体,大量的开源及商业库和工具扩展了该核心语言的功能。 PHP 能迅速产生可视化结果,因此备受众人推崇。 与其他开发 Web 应用程序的脚本语言(包括 Perl 、 Python 和 Ruby )相似, 每次 HTTP 请求调用时, PHP 代码都会被解析和翻译为 操作码 ( PHP 引擎直接执行的原语指令 —— 类似于汇编语言)再执行。在要求很低或可忽略的情况下,服务器看上去能立即执行这个复杂的解释过程。但是一旦处理的页面增加,解释 —— 从本质上说,重复工作 —— 就会对服务器造成很大的负担。在某些情况下, “ 编译 ” PHP 代码的时间会远远超过执行该代码所需的时间。因此,当需求增加时,您常常会自食其果,因为处理这些不断解释和动态生成的页面需要消耗更多的系统资源。 若您对处理器和 RAM 的预算没有限制,那么就大可不必通过优化应用栈(硬件、操作系统、数据库、 Web 服务器和 PHP 代码)来保证站点的可响应性。然而,由于资金通常都是最缺乏的资源,所以改善性能是必不可少的。调优意味着对系统增加内存、修改操作系统参数、加速

xcache how does it work? code coverage? clogs? OOMs?

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-03 14:43:30
I've searched all over the web for documentation including on the XCache website . I'm new to PHP opcode caching and XCache. I'd like an explanation of how XCache works. I know that it stores compiled php code so that it doesn't need to be recompiled everytime. But how does XCache know when php code has been updated and thus the cache is out of date? How do I know if I need to clear the cache? Does XCache compile and cache all php code on the server? If so can this be configured? What are clogs? OOMs? I see large numbers for both of these in the XCache Admin page interface. In the Code

Opcode (APC/XCache), Zend, Doctrine, and Autoloaders

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-11-29 02:20:34
I am trying to use either APC or XCache as an opcode to cache my php pages. I am using it with Zend and Doctrine and it's having a problem with the autoloader. If I try with APC, I get the following: Fatal error: spl_autoload() [<a href='function.spl-autoload'>function.spl-autoload</a>]: Class Doctrine_Event could not be loaded in C:\\[mydir]\\library\\doctrine\\Doctrine\\Record.php on line 777 If I try with XCache I get the following: PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Zend_Registry in C:\\[mydir]\\library\\zendframework\\Zend\\Registry.php on line 0 I'm running Zend 1.9.1, Doctrine 1.1

apc vs eaccelerator vs xcache

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-11-26 21:25:46
Im doing research on which one of these to use and I can't really find one that stands out. Eaccelerator is faster than APC , but APC is better maintained. Xcache is faster but the others have easier syntax. Anyone have recommendations on which to use and why? APC is going to be included in PHP 6, and I'd guess it has been chosen for good reason :) It's fairly easy to install and certainly speeds things up. Check out benchmarks and comparisons: here and here and there APC definitely. It's written by the PHP guys, so even though it might not share the highest speeds, you can bet on the fact it