
php, var_export fails with float [duplicate]

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2021-02-05 05:25:45
问题 This question already has answers here : Is floating point math broken? (31 answers) Closed 5 years ago . very simple. Consider this code: var_export (11.2); this returns with 11.199999999999999 with Php 5.6 wtf? 回答1: From the comments on the man page of Looks like since version 5.4.22 var_export uses the serialize_precision ini setting, rather than the precision one used for normal output of floating-point numbers. As a consequence since version 5.4.22 for example var_export(1.1)

wtforms CRUD - set default in SelectField

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-01-29 15:07:00
问题 I have a CRUD application where wtforms is being used to populate a series of forms with a 'for' loop to allow users to edit existing data in the DB. I'm using "value=row.XXX" to pre-populate the form with existing data from the DB as a default. This works well for normal StringFields, but doesn't work for SelectField. Can anyone help!? Example html below. The is a SelectField. Annoyingly, when displayed in the form, it defaults to the first item in the 'choices' list rather

flask wtforms QuerySelectFeld form.populate_obj fields not populated and if filled in error translate raised

偶尔善良 提交于 2021-01-29 11:41:52
问题 I am struggling with two problems, 1/ QuerySelectField not populated 2/ Translate error if field is filled in I have an add function and an edit function, I am using "from wtforms_alchemy.fields import QuerySelectField" to allow a choice from one data base model to be available in a drop down list. In the "addboilercircuit" function this works, in the form a drop down list is displayed and I can submit the form. in the "editboilercircuit" function I am using formpopulate_obj all the fields

How to customize wtforms' FileField as an image button?

可紊 提交于 2021-01-29 02:29:57
问题 I'm trying to load an image from a project's folder to use as icon instead of the normal "choose file". Here's what I've tried so far. Not only the image isn't loaded, the old button is only displayed in half. HTML <div>{{ form.tweet_image(class="submit-image-tweet")}}</div> CSS .submit-image-tweet { background: url(../templates/images/camera_icon.png) no-repeat; cursor: pointer; border: none; width: 40px; height: 40px; } 回答1: One of the easiest ways is to wrap your file input into a label

How can WTForms RadioField generate html without <ul> and <li> tag?

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2021-01-28 19:18:54
问题 Are there any way to replace html tag on WTForms? Form code: class BasicForm(Form): some_select = RadioField("something", choices=[('first', 'first_choice'), ('second', 'second_choice')]) Thanks. 回答1: Your field accepts a widget argument you can pass to override default widget(that renders your field). Docs: 来源:

FileAllowed does not display an error message

余生长醉 提交于 2021-01-28 05:09:09
问题 I am using WTForms. I am applying validation on file upload and restricted it to jpg,png and pdf format only. however if i give an incorrect input, no error message appears. I followed this tutorial photo = FileField('photo', validators=[ FileRequired(), FileAllowed(['png', 'pdf', 'jpg'], "wrong format!") ]) 回答1: By default, flask-wtf does not show any error message if validation fails. Error messages can be caught and shown for each

Set WTForms submit button to icon

Deadly 提交于 2021-01-22 07:59:07
问题 I want a submit button that displays an icon rather than text. The button is a field in a WTForms form. I am using Bootstrap and Open Iconic for styling and icons. How do I set the submit field to display an icon? class MyForm(Form): submit = SubmitField('') {{ form.submit }} This post refers to an icon method, but I can't find any more information on it. 回答1: The example you linked is using macros provided by Flask-Bootstrap. The macros make it easy to construct forms with Bootstrap, but


不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2021-01-12 19:59:18
适用于新生和经验丰富的Python基本面试问答 1)什么是Python?使用Python有什么好处? Python是一种具有对象,模块,线程,异常和自动内存管理的编程语言。python的优点是它简单,易用,可移植,可扩展,内置数据结构,并且是开源的。 2)什么是PEP 8? PEP 8是一个编码约定,是一组建议,有关如何编写更具可读性的Python代码。 3) 什么是Pickle和pickling? Pickle模块接受任何Python对象并将其转换为字符串表示形式,并使用转储功能将其转储到文件中,此过程称为pickling。从存储的字符串表示中检索原始Python对象的过程称为解开。 4)如何解释Python? Python语言是一种解释性语言。Python程序直接从源代码运行。它将程序员编写的源代码转换为中间语言,该中间语言又被翻译为必须执行的机器语言。 5)如何在Python中管理内存? Python内存由Python专用堆空间管理。所有Python对象和数据结构都位于私有堆中。程序员无权访问此私有堆,解释器负责处理此Python私有堆。 为Python对象分配Python堆空间是由Python内存管理器完成的。核心API允许访问一些工具,以便程序员进行编码。 Python还具有一个内置的垃圾收集器,该垃圾收集器回收所有未使用的内存,并释放内存并使之可用于堆空间。 6

Create selectfield options with custom attributes in WTForms

南楼画角 提交于 2020-12-29 12:23:56
问题 I am trying to create a SelectField or SelectMultipleField that allows me to add attributes to it's <option> tags. I am trying to add attributes like data-id or another data-____ . I have not been able to figure out how to do this as it only seems possible to add attributes to the <select> tag itself and not the options. The end result should be something like: <select id="regularstuff-here" name="regular-name-here"> <option value="1" data-id="somedata here" >Some Name here</option> <option

What is the correct way to populate select choices from session data?

橙三吉。 提交于 2020-11-28 02:50:25
问题 I'm storing some variables in the session when the user logs in, to use later to populate a field. from flask_wtf import Form from wtforms import SelectField from flask import session class InstitutionForm(Form): city = session['city'] city_tuples = [(x, x) for x in city] organisation = SelectField( 'organisation', choices=city_tuples ) class Institution(View): methods = ['POST'] def dispatch_request(self): form = InstitutionForm() return render_template( 'form/institution.html', form=form)