
玩转Microsoft Teams Room系列 5

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2020-08-12 04:44:14
运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外 - 西汉·司马迁《史记·高祖本纪》 使用场景 之前一篇文章介绍了通过XML文件来自定义MTR的背景图片,其实我们通过XML文件其实还可以做更多在MTR会议室的日常运维任务。 想像一下这样一个场景:当你需要为分布在不同地方的多间MTR会议室进行配置或管理的时候,例如: 变更MTR会议室的帐号? 在改密码之后需要更新MTR设备的密码? 为了安全原因需要隐藏会议主题? 会议室新购多一块会议交互大屏,变成了双屏会议室?我们需要打开MTR的双屏显示开关 自定义MTR的主题图片?参考这篇: 自定义主题让你的MTR会议与众不同 具体配置步骤 这些操作我们都可以通过XML配置文件的方式远程推送给MTR设备来实现(用共享目录的方式来推,用组策略来推,用SCCM来推,都行,只要你能够把SkypeSettings.XML这份XML文件放在MTR的指定目录即可) 什么是MTR? Microsoft Teams Room 首先需要先创建一份名字为SkypeSettings.XML的文件。 接着就可以去修改SkypeSettings.XML里面的内容,例如以下代码配置了三个设置(自动屏幕共享,隐藏会议主题,MTR帐号)。 PS. 当你要运维多个MTR会议室时,你不需要把所有参数都放在XML里面,只需要把要改的放进来即可,这样就可以有针对性地去维护这些会议室。


 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-08-10 00:01:31
开源视频会议bigbluebutton 这是另一个开源视频会议项目,简称bbb 官方网站: http://bigbluebutton.org/ 代码地址: https://code.google.com/p/bigbluebutton/ demo: http://demo.bigbluebutton.org/ 收集到的中文资料: http://www.iteye.com/blogs/subjects/yangactive 支持安卓: http://bigbluebutton.org/2011/02/09/bigbluebutton-on-android-phone/ IPad: http://bigbluebutton.org/2013/01/11/html5-client-ipad/ 根据bbb进行二次开发的项目: https://github.com/fuji246/django-bigbluebutton ,国人对项目的贡献: http://www.bbbforum.com/forum/topic/61/ 关于性能(bigbluebutton的CEO针对一个说bbb性能不好的人的回击): https://help.instructure.com/entries/22478390-What-are-technological-limits-to-BigBlueButton- I


人走茶凉 提交于 2020-05-03 19:23:13
Microsoft Whiteboard https://www.microsoft.com/zh-CN/p/microsoft-whiteboard/9mspc6mp8fm4?activetab=pivot:overviewtab 微软白板软件,在线讲课,免费。 特点:可以自动把画笔图形规范成形状,画面比较整洁,看起来比较舒服。 ZoomIt https://zoomit.en.softonic.com/download 演示必备辅助软件ZoomIt,轻量级,直接在屏幕上画笔。 功能:屏幕画笔、放大、倒计时。 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/4396834/blog/4263429

Flash Whiteboard: Actionscript 3

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-25 19:39:28
问题 I'm looking for a flash Actionscript 3 tutorial on how to create a whiteboard application with flash media server 3.5. Please anybody have any ideas where I can start looking for this information? 回答1: Search for the articles: Using the Whiteboard component Creating a Whiteboard Application with Macromedia Flash Communication Server MX My first answer so no link allowed for me 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/904752/flash-whiteboard-actionscript-3

Move an image according to the mouse cordinates using jquery

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-22 09:36:01
问题 I am trying to develop a HTML5 white board. I want the users viewing the board to know where exactly the presenter is pointing within the screen. I am able to collect the mouse movements using this jquery function. But even if i succeed to pass this values to other clients using php, how can I emulate it? Is it possible to move a small pointer image, based on the co-ordinates obtained from the presenter? Is there any functions or snippets from which I cant get started? Will this be very

Move an image according to the mouse cordinates using jquery

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-06 02:49:47
I am trying to develop a HTML5 white board. I want the users viewing the board to know where exactly the presenter is pointing within the screen. I am able to collect the mouse movements using this jquery function. But even if i succeed to pass this values to other clients using php, how can I emulate it? Is it possible to move a small pointer image, based on the co-ordinates obtained from the presenter? Is there any functions or snippets from which I cant get started? Will this be very hardware intensive task that normal people may have issue? Is this the best way to achieve what I am trying

Some tips for more effective white-boarding?

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-03 08:35:47
问题 I am occasionally called upon impromptu to white-board (non-virtually) data flows, architecture diagrams etc., for both a technical and non-technical audience. Unfortunately my drawing skills (and print legibility) are terrible. How can I become more effective at doing this? I am looking for tips on standard symbols and connectors to use, some standard ways of organizing and categorizing the information (e.g., swim lanes), etc. What can I practice to become better at this? I want these visual

Some tips for more effective white-boarding?

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-02 22:28:24
I am occasionally called upon impromptu to white-board (non-virtually) data flows, architecture diagrams etc., for both a technical and non-technical audience. Unfortunately my drawing skills (and print legibility) are terrible. How can I become more effective at doing this? I am looking for tips on standard symbols and connectors to use, some standard ways of organizing and categorizing the information (e.g., swim lanes ), etc. What can I practice to become better at this? I want these visual presentations to be effective in communicating my ideas, and badly presented diagrams can make the