
Use of <picture> inside <figure> element in HTML5?

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2021-02-04 09:57:14
问题 In HTML5 we currently have a <figure> element, defined like so (W3C reference) The figure element represents a unit of content, optionally with a caption, that is self-contained, that is typically referenced as a single unit from the main flow of the document, and that can be moved away from the main flow of the document without affecting the document’s meaning. Recently a new element <picture> was proposed by the Responsive Images Community group and it was defined in the reference like so

Use of <picture> inside <figure> element in HTML5?

烂漫一生 提交于 2021-02-04 09:56:30
问题 In HTML5 we currently have a <figure> element, defined like so (W3C reference) The figure element represents a unit of content, optionally with a caption, that is self-contained, that is typically referenced as a single unit from the main flow of the document, and that can be moved away from the main flow of the document without affecting the document’s meaning. Recently a new element <picture> was proposed by the Responsive Images Community group and it was defined in the reference like so

Angular 7 configure x-frame-options in localhost IIS Express

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-01-29 16:11:12
问题 Angular Version - 7.2 Environment - localhost IDE - Visual Studio Code Browser - Chrome Localhost Web Server - Express I have project built in angular framework and it is running with Express web-server in my localhost . I added the x-frame-options in the web.config but it is not showing up in the webpage response header. I want to test this change in the app running in localhost. Please suggest, how can i view this property in the response headers. Web.config code changes :- <httpProtocol>

Why when both audio and video MediaStreamTracks enabled parameter set to false, “on-air” indicator keeps being turned on?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2021-01-27 15:50:38
问题 W3C http://www.w3.org/TR/mediacapture-streams/#life-cycle-and-media-flow article on media flow lifecycle says: When all tracks connected to a source are muted or disabled, the "on-air" or "recording" indicator for that source can be turned off; when the track is no longer muted or disabled, it must be turned back on. Is mentioned behaviour implemented in Chrome or not? 回答1: Update: Firefox now supports turning off the camera light on mute. Edits in bold . I gather from the subject that you

Pipe Chars in HTML Classes

橙三吉。 提交于 2021-01-27 04:42:31
问题 I couldn't find anything in the W3C docs that said pipe chars, | , aren't allowed, for instance: <div class="class1|class2"> Don't worry about what I might be using it for. I was just wondering if it's "legal". 回答1: The relevant rules can be found in w3c syndata tokenization section, though it's pretty difficult to conclude from there if pipe is valid or not, as per a glance, it seems that anything is valid for a selector, i.e.: selector : any+; any : [ IDENT | NUMBER | PERCENTAGE | DIMENSION

Understanding XML CharData EBNF

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2021-01-05 06:41:30
问题 The following EBNF rule expressed as CharData ::= [^<&]* - ([^<&]* ']]>' [^<&]*) is really hard for me to understand. Can someone give a few examples of valid and invalid strings. A brief explanation of the what is being expressed in the rule would also be very helpful. Although perhaps asking a little much. It would also be ultra nice if you have an interesting snippet of c++ code lying around that'll help catch this occurrence. 回答1: The EBNF production for CharData, [14] CharData ::= [^<&]*

Minus in w3c specification grammar

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-12-11 04:15:47
问题 What does the minus sign mean? [14] CharData ::= [^<&]* - ([^<&]* ']]>' [^<&]*) From the w3c XML 1.0 specification Also, where can I find information related to the syntax grammar? I'm having troubling finding the specification about the specification, if that makes any sense. 回答1: Minus ( - ) is part of the Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) notation used by the W3C XML Recommendation to define the formal grammar of XML: Minus ( - ) in A - B matches any string that matches A but does not match