

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-27 04:54:40
一、创建vpc 1、进入vpc控制面板页面点击创建vpc 2、此时点击关闭可以看到我们刚刚创建的vpc 3、与此同时我们的路由表页面就可以看到我们的一个对应的路由表 二、创建对应的子网 1、创建一个对外的子网 2、创建一个对内的private子网 2、此时我们可以看到我们刚刚建的所有子网 三、配置nat网关的 1、选择刚刚创建的public的子网,以供对外 2、 最后点击创建 至此nat创建完毕 三、创建internet网关 1、进入internet网关空面板,点击创建Internet网关 2、自定义名字创建网关 3、添加到对应的vpc上 4、选择刚刚创建的vpc 五、再创建一个路由表,仅供对外使用 六、分别编辑两个路由表 1)添加路由和nat 1、编辑对内的路由表 2、将nat加入到路由表中 3、选择我们的nat 4、匹配我们刚刚创建的nat 5、出现以下则表示添加成功 7、对外的路由表是同样的操作 8、添加路由 9、选择匹配好的internet网关 出现以下则表示成功 2)、再路由表中添加子网 1、添加内网的路由表 2、将所有的子网加入到对内路由表中 对外的路由表同理 3、进入加入页面 六、测试网络是否通 开启两个实例,一个匹配对外的子网且分配公网,以供远程 开启对外的实例 开启对内的服务器 我们看到两台机器都启动了 来源: CSDN 作者: yunson_Liu 链接:

Connection to amazon-ec2 VPC instance fails

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-25 02:33:07
问题 I have the following setup: - a VPC, with several subnets, and an access gateway and a NAT instance having public addresses that I can connect to, - I create a Linux instance in a subnet of the VPC, that has NO public IP address or DNS name (I want that only the Load Balancer be known on the internet). I want to connect to my Linux instance to install and configure software. How do you connect to that instance? All the documentation I have seen mentions that you connect using "ec2-user@".

Connecting Kubernetes cluster to Redis on the the same GCP network

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-24 14:43:06
问题 I'm running a Kubernetes cluster and HA redis VMs on the same VPC on Google Cloud Platform. ICMP and traffic on all TCP and UDP ports is allowed on the subnet Kubernetes has its own internal network,, but the cluster runs on VMs inside of, same as redis VM. However, even though the VMs inside of see each other, I can't ping the same VM or connect to its ports while running commands from Kubernetes pod. What would I need to modify either

Amazon VPC n^2 -4 IP Addresses? CIDR Block

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-22 09:05:16
问题 I was in the process of creating a new AWS VPC for my instances. However, I noticed that when I used CIDR Notation to create the VPC & Public Subnet, AWS indicates that I have n^2 - 4 (where n is the # of bits) available IP addresses? Why is this? I understand that when n^2 -2 occurs it is usually to remove the case where bits are all 0s or all 1s. But am not sure why it is - 4 in this case. Here the /28 indicates 11 IP addresses available when I expected 15 or 13, and 251 when I expected 255


空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-22 00:06:44
转自: https://blog.csdn.net/zzq900503/article/details/80252184 简介 私有网络(VPC) 私有网络是针对公有云的基础网络(经典网络)来定义的一种概念。 VPC(Virtual Private Cloud)是公有云上自定义的逻辑隔离网络空间,是一块可 我们 自定义的网络空间,与 我们 在数据中心运行的传统网络相似,托管在VPC内的是 我们 在私有云上的服务资源,如云主机、负载均衡、云数据库等。 我们 可以自定义网段划分、IP地址和路由策略等,并通过安全组和网络ACL等实现多层安全防护。同时也可以通过VPN或专线连通VPC与 我们 的数据中心,灵活部署混合云。 VPC主要是一个网络层面的功能,其目的是让 我们 可以在云平台上构建出一个隔离的、自己能够管理配置和策略的虚拟网络环境,从而进一步提升 我们 在AWS环境中的资源的安全性。 我们 可以在VPC环境中管理自己的子网结构,IP地址范围和分配方式,网络的路由策略等。由于 我们 可以掌控并隔离VPC中的资源,因此对 我们 而言这就像是一个自己私有的云计算环境。 我们 可以通过VPC及其他相关的云服务来把企业自己的数据中心与其在云上的环境进行集成,构成一个混合云的架构。 使用私有网络的好处 1) 灵活部署:自定义网络划分、路由规则,配置实施立即生效 2) 安全隔离:100

How to use IPSec / Openswan with Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and EC2?

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-21 13:36:49
问题 Does anyone know how to use Openswan to create an IPSec tunnel to a Cisco router on EC2? I keep reading that people can or they cannot set up the IPSec tunnels on Amazon's cloud. Is it possible or not? If so, can someone point me to a tutorial where it was successful? 回答1: Update AWS has just dropped the requirement to establish Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peerings in order to use the built in VPN connectivity to an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), see Amazon VPC - Additional VPN

Amazon ELB for EC2 instances in private subnet in VPC

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-18 09:59:17
问题 I'm using Amazon EC2, and I want to put an internet-facing ELB (load balancer) to 2 instances on a private subnet. I am using VPC with public and private subnets. If I just add the private subnet to the ELB, it will not get any connections. If I attach both subnets to the ELB then it can access the instances, but it often will get time-outs. (Refer Screenshot 1) If I attach to only public subnet then my instance attached to ELB gets OutOfService because I do not have any instance in the

Why do we need private subnet in VPC?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-17 02:25:41
问题 There are 4 scenarios in AWS VPC configure. But let's look at these two: Scenario 1: 1 public subnet. Scenario 2: 1 public subnet and 1 private subnet. Since any instance launched in public subnet does not have EIP (unless it's assigned), it is already not addressable from the Internet. Then: Why is there a need for private subnet? What exactly are the differences between private and public subnets? 回答1: Update: in late December, 2015, AWS announced a new feature, a Managed NAT Gateway for

How to setup Application Load Balancer for Elastic Beanstalk in AWS

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-12 08:51:58
问题 I'm trying to create a new ElasticBeanstalk application with an Application Load Balancer. I'm calling the following commands: $ mkdir HelloWorld $ cd HelloWorld $ eb init $ echo "Hello World" > index.html $ eb create dev-env --elb-type application Output of the last command results in this error: Creating application version archive "app-170821_175709". Uploading HelloWorld/app-170821_175709.zip to S3. This may take a while. Upload Complete. ERROR: Configuration validation exception: Invalid

Amazon VPC Availability

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-12 04:42:41
问题 We are trying to expand our reliability setup using VPC in us-west-1. The 'a' and 'b' AZs work fine, but when I try to create subnets on 'c' it just fails with the message: Value (us-west-1c) for parameter availabilityZone is invalid. Subnets can currently only be created in the following availability zones: us-west-1b, us-west-1a. Is this a transient failure or are there just only two VPC-enabled AZs in that region? If the latter, is there a list somewhere with how many AZs in each region