
Need Help to check if element is in current Viewport with Testcafe

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2020-07-05 07:57:09
问题 I'm trying to implement a custom method to find out if the element is in the current view port Below is the snippet of code that I've tried to implement but the outcome does not render the boolean result: export const isElementInViewport = () => { const getBoundValues = ClientFunction(() => document.querySelectorAll(".hero-getstart").item(0).getBoundingClientRect()); const windowHeight = ClientFunction(() => window.innerHeight); const windowWidth = ClientFunction(() => window.innerWidth);

Selenium find_elements_by_id() doesn't return all elements

若如初见. 提交于 2020-06-25 07:16:30
问题 I am trying to find all elements of a certain kind on a webpage with Selenium (python). For simplicity, let's say their id is elem_id . I am using the following code snippet to do so: all_elements = driver.find_elements_by_id("elem_id") print(str(len(all_elements))) I know that there are ~3000 of this kind of element on the webpage in question, but whenever I print the length of all_elements , it always prints 1000 . It definitely finds the right kind of element (I checked), but somehow it

Responsive view on Firefox Developer Tools show wrong width

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-04-30 09:18:05
问题 I was testing a website with the Developer Tool of Firefox and I was facing a weird bug. Then I checked the window width with a simple console log console.log($(window).width) and I saw that the reported width in developer tools wasn't the same that javascript was detecting. I tried than with the Google DevTools and showed width was consistent with the console log width. Is this a Firefox bug or am I doing something wrong? Actually on a real mobile device and on Google DevTools the website

Responsive view on Firefox Developer Tools show wrong width

好久不见. 提交于 2020-04-30 09:17:43
问题 I was testing a website with the Developer Tool of Firefox and I was facing a weird bug. Then I checked the window width with a simple console log console.log($(window).width) and I saw that the reported width in developer tools wasn't the same that javascript was detecting. I tried than with the Google DevTools and showed width was consistent with the console log width. Is this a Firefox bug or am I doing something wrong? Actually on a real mobile device and on Google DevTools the website

How to select the last element on viewport

折月煮酒 提交于 2020-04-29 10:09:09
问题 I'm looking for an effecient way to constantly select the last element within the visible window/viewport. So far, this is my code: $(window).scroll(function () { $('.post-content p').removeClass("temp last") $('.post-content p').filter(":onScreen").addClass("temp") $(".temp").eq(-1).addClass("last") }); As you could probably imagine, this hauls up a lot of resources and doesn't perform very well. Can somebody please suggest from more elegant code? My knowledge of Javascript is very basic, so

How to select the last element on viewport

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-04-29 10:08:49
问题 I'm looking for an effecient way to constantly select the last element within the visible window/viewport. So far, this is my code: $(window).scroll(function () { $('.post-content p').removeClass("temp last") $('.post-content p').filter(":onScreen").addClass("temp") $(".temp").eq(-1).addClass("last") }); As you could probably imagine, this hauls up a lot of resources and doesn't perform very well. Can somebody please suggest from more elegant code? My knowledge of Javascript is very basic, so

How to select the last element on viewport

北城余情 提交于 2020-04-29 10:08:05
问题 I'm looking for an effecient way to constantly select the last element within the visible window/viewport. So far, this is my code: $(window).scroll(function () { $('.post-content p').removeClass("temp last") $('.post-content p').filter(":onScreen").addClass("temp") $(".temp").eq(-1).addClass("last") }); As you could probably imagine, this hauls up a lot of resources and doesn't perform very well. Can somebody please suggest from more elegant code? My knowledge of Javascript is very basic, so


为君一笑 提交于 2020-04-07 20:44:11
前端是个很大的概念,我的理解是用户能够看到,直接接触到的层面都算是前端,比如IOS客户端界面,安卓客户端界面,网页界面,甚至PC/MAC 桌面端软件界面;现在最常见的说法一般是指Web前端,也就是针对于网页端开发的工作。 Web App就是以浏览器作为客户端的软件。比如你要写文档,一般会打开Office 2013之类的本地软件;但是你也可以选择在浏览器里输入一个网址,再比如用桌面客户端来收发邮件,但你也可以直接用浏览器登陆gmail亦或者QQ邮箱,直接把这个当客户端用。总之就是使用网页版代替本地软件。 Mobile Web App 当然就是指在手机端打开的Web App。 移动客户端的开发类型 Native App(原生APP),也就是完全使用移动设备系统语言写的客户端,iPhone iPad就是纯Object-C,安卓就是纯JAVA, 就是用户看到的界面,体验到的交互都是原生的。这是性能最棒的开发方式,但灵活性就没下面的好。 Web App, 这个就是在移动浏览器里打开的,纯HTML+CSS+JS,说白了就是个网页,只不过非常的富应用,就是在浏览器里打开的页面。。IOS支持可以在桌面创建访问的快捷方式,但是说到底还是打开Safari跑。。而且对设备硬件的接口什么的挺薄弱。 Hybrid App.[HTML5 in mobile devices] 这个还是第一次看到这个概念


心已入冬 提交于 2020-04-06 09:49:21
前言 在移动前端第一弹:viewport详解中,我们讲了viewport,那是一个关于meta的故事。这次我们会就将meta这个故事讲得更广阔、更有意思一些。 写过HTML的童鞋,应该都对这个不陌生,或用它来定义页面编码,或用它来定义搜索引擎抓取方式,或用它定义页面关键字,描述等等。 meta列表 好的meta使用,能更好地提高页面的可用性及被检索的几率。 这里并不会列出所有的meta使用方式,只挑选一些常用及实际意义比较大的讲讲,当然也包括一些厂商私有定制的。 常规 声明文档使用的字符编码 <meta charset="utf-8" /> 该声明用来指定文档的编码,除了utf-8,可选值还有:ISO-8859-1、BIG5、iso-8859-2, iso-2022-jp, iso-2022-kr, gb2312等 当然,你可能还见过使用另外一种方式来定义文档字符编码: <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 相对于这种方式,更推荐你使用第1种,言外之意,就是推荐使用HTML5。 声明页面刷新或跳转 <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10" /> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10; url=http:/


本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2020-04-06 09:48:32
前言 这次想聊聊移动开发相关的事。是的,你没有看错,一句话就可以开始你的移动前端开发。 你心里一定在想,什么话这么酷,能够瞬间带入到移动前端开发的世界。 但其实它一点也不新奇,不复杂。 viewport简介 没错,就是viewport特性,一个移动专属的Meta值,用于定义视口的各种行为。 该特性最先由Apple引入,用于解决移动端的页面展示问题,后续被越来越多的厂商跟进。 举个简单的例子来讲为什么会需要它: 我们知道用户大规模使用手机等移动设备来进行网页浏览器,其实得益于智能手持设备的兴起,也就是近几年的事。(还记得不久前的几年,满大街都还是诺基亚的天下么?) 这时有一个很现实的问题摆在了厂商面前,用户并不能很好地通过手机等设备访问网页,因为屏幕太小。 layout viewport Apple也发现了这个问题,并且适时的出现,它提出了一个方案用来解决这个问题。在iOS Safari中定义了一个viewport meta标签,用来创建一个虚拟的布局视口(layout viewport),而这个视口的分辨率接近于PC显示器,Apple将其定义为980px(其他厂商各有不同①)。 这就很好的解决了早期的页面在手机上显示的问题,由于两者之间的宽度趋近,CSS只需要像在PC上那样渲染页面就行,原有的页面结构不会被破坏。 ①的描述大致如下,数值不一定持续准确,厂商可能更改