
What works in viewDidUnload should be moved to didReceiveMemoryWarning?

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-03 07:12:31
In new iOS 6, viewDidUnload is deprecated and we have been instructed to use didReceiveMemoryWarning instead, to manage objects in UIViewController instances and subclasses. Is it equally effective to assign nils to UIView kinds inside didReceiveMemoryWarning like the way it has been done inside viewDidUnload ? I am asking this because these two methods seems to be working differently. It seems like didReceiveMemoryWarning doesn't guarantee viewDidLoad to be called again to re-instantiate any necessary UIViews. I suspect with iOS 6, memory management is done without requiring to manually

viewDidUnload no longer called in ios6

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-03 05:46:23
问题 I just installed the new version of Xcode/ios6. viewDidUnload is now depreciated. In the apple doc, viewDidUnload [...] Deprecated in iOS 6.0. Views are no longer purged under low-memory conditions and so this method is never called. But numbers of apps are using this callback to release their properties, like : - (void)viewDidUnload { [super viewDidUnload]; self.recipientButton = nil; self.connectButton = nil; self.infoLabel = nil; } This was the best practice to release your IBOutlets. So,

iOS 6 deprecation of viewWillUnload & move to didReceiveMemoryWarning

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-11-30 12:03:12
问题 I'm new developer about to launch my first app. I'm confused about the deprecation of viewDidUnload as described below in Apple's iOS 6 release notes: In iOS 6, the viewWillUnload and viewDidUnload methods of UIViewController are now deprecated. If you were using these methods to release data, use the didReceiveMemoryWarning method instead. You can also use this method to release references to the view controller’s view if it is not being used. You would need to test that the view is not in a

iOS 6 deprecation of viewWillUnload & move to didReceiveMemoryWarning

南楼画角 提交于 2019-11-30 01:58:02
I'm new developer about to launch my first app. I'm confused about the deprecation of viewDidUnload as described below in Apple's iOS 6 release notes: In iOS 6, the viewWillUnload and viewDidUnload methods of UIViewController are now deprecated. If you were using these methods to release data, use the didReceiveMemoryWarning method instead. You can also use this method to release references to the view controller’s view if it is not being used. You would need to test that the view is not in a window before doing this. Why is this happening? What guidelines should I follow to ensure that this

App running slow after loading viewcontroller, then unload about 15-20 times

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-11-28 14:43:20
Using: Xcode 4.6 Storyboards ARC Model segue to SecondViewController I have an app that has the main ViewController that loads a new veiwController when the device is rotated to the right. When the app starts everything works great. If I rotate the device, then back which unloads the secondview controller, about 15-20 times the app is very slugish. I have narrowed down that it only happenes when the seconed view controller is loaded and only when i rotate the device a nunmber of times. I also have narrowed down that is is a memory issue. I installed an app that keeps track of the memory used

App running slow after loading viewcontroller, then unload about 15-20 times

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-11-27 08:51:57
问题 Using: Xcode 4.6 Storyboards ARC Model segue to SecondViewController I have an app that has the main ViewController that loads a new veiwController when the device is rotated to the right. When the app starts everything works great. If I rotate the device, then back which unloads the secondview controller, about 15-20 times the app is very slugish. I have narrowed down that it only happenes when the seconed view controller is loaded and only when i rotate the device a nunmber of times. I also