
Swift TableView segue to new ViewController with wrong index path (penultimate selection)

江枫思渺然 提交于 2021-02-05 08:28:07
问题 I have a weird problem. I have two TableViews one for showing Projects and one for showing all Team Members. With both TableViews I have the same bug. When a user clicks on a Project/ Team Member I want to show the Details for it. The weird thing is, when running the app and I select a Project/ Team Member for the first time, nothing is happening. When I then select another one, it shows me the details of the previous selected one. I hope someone can help me with that. Also a weird thing is,

Why use dispatch_async when using performSegueWithIdentifier in requestAccessToEntity:completion?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-01-24 10:02:07
问题 When I call the performSegueWithIdentifier in the completion block, if I do not wrap the call in a dispatch_async, it literally takes 10 seconds for the segue to actually happen. However, I can do other things without wrapping them in the same dispatch_async, such as doing core data work, or, logging "things"... Any insight as to how this works and why... I am lost. If this isn't the right place to ask something like this, I apologize. EKEventStore *store = [[EKEventStore alloc] init]; [store

Segueing to another view controller without displaying the first in iOS 8

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2020-01-17 01:39:45
问题 I am trying to understand the new segues in iOS 8. I have an app with a typical login screen shown initially, and if the user is logged in, that screen should not display (even for a split second) and user should be on a feed screen, which I am segueing from the initial login screen. However, I am not able to do what I want. First of all, I can only use Present Modally segue, as it's the only appropriate segue that allows removing animation. Depending where I try to segue in view controller

How can I use an Embed Segue in iOS 5?

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-01-12 05:43:29
问题 iOS 6 introduced the Embed Segue, allowing custom container controllers to be used in Storyboards. Is there anyway to duplicate this for iOS 5? 回答1: The challenge here is that the child view controller's view is often to be added as a subview of some container view of the parent view controller. Since you can't have segues from random UIView controls, that defies creating segues from a UIView container view to the child's scene. Thus, you just have to write the code yourself. Fortunately, it

Typhoon: Assembly and Storyboard-Created ViewControllers

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2020-01-11 04:48:05
问题 How would I use Typhoon with iOS storyboards where view controllers are generated implicitly by the system? Would I have to do something special in the prepareForSegue methods? 回答1: It is very simple with TyphoonStoryboard By bootstrapping Typhoon in your plist, along with the usual UILaunchStoryboardName and UIMainStoryboardFile, Typhoon will ensure that all Storyboards are an instance of TyphoonStoryboard. Use exactly as you would a normal Storyboard, with the added benefit that

set size of iPhone view controller

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-01-07 02:22:21
问题 I am segueing to a view controller called SmallerVC. I want to set the size of SmallerVC to 300 X 300. So far I am not having much luck. I have tried the answers at the following link separately and then together, they don't work: ios5 - size of modal view controller with storyboard. I am using Xcode-5 and iOS-7. Has anyone successfully done this? I came to iOS with the prejudice that anything I can do on Android I should be able to do more easily on iOS. And so far iOS has been constantly

iOS Tab bar controller containing same Table views inside all tabs but different filtered data

人走茶凉 提交于 2020-01-06 07:53:05
问题 SOLVED: I think I figured it out on how to do it. I added tags to each of my view controllers for each tab. Then in the viewDidLoad method on the view controllers, I can add a switch based on which tab's tag is selected: self.tabBarController.tabBar.selectedItem.tag Issue: I am pretty new to iOS development and need some feedback on this- Here is the scenario: I am using storyboards for this. We have a navigation controller inside a tab bar controller. The Tab bar controller contains the same

segue to a view from a tableview in different class

和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-01-05 12:32:29
问题 To explain the issue, I had ViewControllerA with a UITableView called commentTableView inside of it. and from commentTableView i would segue to ViewControllerB but I needed to add an addition UITableView called mentionedFriendTable to ViewControllerA . But once i did add mentionFriendTable I started to have issues with the tables that caused the app to crash. Issue Im Having I decided to place commentTableView into a different class called justCommentsTable which is a UITableViewController

segue to a view from a tableview in different class

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-01-05 12:32:13
问题 To explain the issue, I had ViewControllerA with a UITableView called commentTableView inside of it. and from commentTableView i would segue to ViewControllerB but I needed to add an addition UITableView called mentionedFriendTable to ViewControllerA . But once i did add mentionFriendTable I started to have issues with the tables that caused the app to crash. Issue Im Having I decided to place commentTableView into a different class called justCommentsTable which is a UITableViewController

Segue implementation via code

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-01-05 06:50:52
问题 I am a newbie in IOS. I am creating an Authorization Scene in a Storyboard. It consists of textFields (username, password) and buttons (Log In, Sign Up). When login and password are correct, UIAlertView is displayed with text "Success". After this, MainScene should be displayed. But I can't create a segue in Interface Builder. How can I implement it via code? 回答1: Here is what you can do: Create a Segue from your source ViewController (not control) to the destination ViewController. Give