

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-08-14 00:23:23
​ 最近黄小斜在网上为小伙伴们找一些关于程序员健康的书籍,没想到居然还真被我找到了一本,看来外国程序员对于健康的关心程度不亚于国人。 这本书是为程序员量身制作的健康指南,针对头痛、眼部疲劳、背部疼痛和手腕疼痛等常见的问题,简要介绍了其成因、测试方法,并列出了每天的行动计划,从运动、饮食等方面给出详细指导,帮助程序员在不改变工作方式的情况下轻松拥有健康。 本书适合程序员、长期伏案工作的其他人群以及所有关心健康的人士阅读。 ​ 作者简介 Joe Kutner 运动员和健身教练出身的资深程序员,住在美国的火箭城亨茨维尔。Joe从事软件开发十余年,专业特长有Ruby、Java以及iOS等。他曾服务于IBM等国际知名公司,也曾在创业公司打拼,现在是一位Ruby独立开发者,不仅为各种规模的公司构建Ruby和JRuby的应用,而且还向很多开源项目贡献代码,其中包括TorqueBox和Warbler。 不知道从什么时候起,程序员已经逆袭成了高富帅的代名词。 说程序员是屌丝职业?地位低? 比尔盖茨,扎克伯格,程序员;马化腾、李彦宏、张小龙,程序员!这是一个程序员能改变世界的时代! 说程序员是码农?活多钱少? 在工作3-5年后,90%以上的程序员达到了月薪1万+的水平,超过1/6的群体甚至年薪达到了30-50万的水平。羡慕不羡慕? ​ (数据来源:程序员客栈/稀土掘金) 不过多劳多得


北城以北 提交于 2020-07-26 23:53:56
​ 最近黄小斜在网上为小伙伴们找一些关于程序员健康的书籍,没想到居然还真被我找到了一本,看来外国程序员对于健康的关心程度不亚于国人。 这本书是为程序员量身制作的健康指南,针对头痛、眼部疲劳、背部疼痛和手腕疼痛等常见的问题,简要介绍了其成因、测试方法,并列出了每天的行动计划,从运动、饮食等方面给出详细指导,帮助程序员在不改变工作方式的情况下轻松拥有健康。 本书适合程序员、长期伏案工作的其他人群以及所有关心健康的人士阅读。 ​ 作者简介 Joe Kutner 运动员和健身教练出身的资深程序员,住在美国的火箭城亨茨维尔。Joe从事软件开发十余年,专业特长有Ruby、Java以及iOS等。他曾服务于IBM等国际知名公司,也曾在创业公司打拼,现在是一位Ruby独立开发者,不仅为各种规模的公司构建Ruby和JRuby的应用,而且还向很多开源项目贡献代码,其中包括TorqueBox和Warbler。 不知道从什么时候起,程序员已经逆袭成了高富帅的代名词。 说程序员是屌丝职业?地位低? 比尔盖茨,扎克伯格,程序员;马化腾、李彦宏、张小龙,程序员!这是一个程序员能改变世界的时代! 说程序员是码农?活多钱少? 在工作3-5年后,90%以上的程序员达到了月薪1万+的水平,超过1/6的群体甚至年薪达到了30-50万的水平。羡慕不羡慕? ​ (数据来源:程序员客栈/稀土掘金) 不过多劳多得

Already initialized constant in jruby-openssl

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-23 07:00:35
问题 When running my rails application on torquebox, I get a lot of already initialized constant: ... warnings that originate from gems/jruby-openssl-0.8.2/lib/shared/jruby-openssl.rb:16 . Is this a security problem? Is there any way to get rid of these warnings? 回答1: I could finally get rid of it by removing the gem altogether. According to this source, jruby-openssl is now directly pulled into the jruby project and is not needed anymore as gem. Thanks everyone for looking into this with me. 回答2:

Duplication of context in path for a Rails app on TorqueBox with Apache ReverseProxy

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-22 12:54:42
问题 I am struggling with a scenario where I have several applications to run on a singular TorqueBox instance. When defining an app and deploying it to a root ("/") context within config/torquebox.yml the application executes properly with no apparent problems. At first I believed that this was a problem with Apache reverse proxy, but now believe it is likely an issue with Rails and/or TorqueBox, yet I can't find a clear answer or reason for the issue. This configuration is as follows: config

Find out which gems require native c extensions from a Gemfile?

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-21 01:48:12
问题 I just recently started shifting attention towards deploying Ruby apps atop TorqueBox which of course is built atop Jruby. Hitherto I have been basically performing a bundle install and then tackling each gem along the way to jrubydom, but I've hit a couple gems that have taken me some considerable time to resolve due to needing to reimplement large portions of them. Is there a way to invoke bundler or rubygems to run through all gems and their deps to test if they require native c extensions

Find out which gems require native c extensions from a Gemfile?

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-21 01:48:08
问题 I just recently started shifting attention towards deploying Ruby apps atop TorqueBox which of course is built atop Jruby. Hitherto I have been basically performing a bundle install and then tackling each gem along the way to jrubydom, but I've hit a couple gems that have taken me some considerable time to resolve due to needing to reimplement large portions of them. Is there a way to invoke bundler or rubygems to run through all gems and their deps to test if they require native c extensions

JRuby deployment options that support multiple versions of JRuby

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-12 02:49:58
问题 I'm looking for a way to deploy multiple JRuby apps on a single server, the apps are in different stages and hence use different versions of JRuby, in the long term it would be pretty complicated to try and sync all of the applications with all of the application servers, so I'm looking something akin to Phusion Passenger 4 in the Javaland. Apparently Passenger allows something like this, but there's no documentation available how such a setup should work. Torquebox doesn't mention this use

Using JRuby with Rails 3.2

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-11 02:57:26
问题 Has anyone had any success with installing Rails 3.2 and JRuby 1.6.5 on Mac OSX Lion using RVM? I'm planning on using TorqueBox with NGINX on my production server and I'm trying to mimic as much of the development technology onto my development machine as possible. I haven't gotten to install TorqueBox on my production server, and so far with my OSX RVM install I'm getting a few errors from an existing Rails 3.2 app that works fine with 1.9.2 and REE. The problem that I'm experiencing is this

Proxy requests to virtual host in by path prefix

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-06 09:38:52
问题 I'm running multiple Rails applications on TorqueBox. Each application is mounted on a different web context, e.g., localhost:8080/app1 and localhost:8080/app2 (configured via TorqueBox). Apache is configured to accept requests to and via virtual hosts. However, I'm running into problems where some application paths (form submission paths and others) expect to be preceeded by /app1 , e.g., instead of the correct http:/

Duplication of context in path for a Rails app on TorqueBox with Apache ReverseProxy

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-06 06:16:11
I am struggling with a scenario where I have several applications to run on a singular TorqueBox instance. When defining an app and deploying it to a root ("/") context within config/torquebox.yml the application executes properly with no apparent problems. At first I believed that this was a problem with Apache reverse proxy, but now believe it is likely an issue with Rails and/or TorqueBox, yet I can't find a clear answer or reason for the issue. This configuration is as follows: config/torquebox.yml contains: web: context: / Apache's httpd virtual host config for proxy is: ProxyPass / http: